
New Mission

After the planet of Christophosis was taken, Acclamators from Silas's fleet would land, and deploy thousands of his and Anakin's troops as they marched in tight formation.

Their Legion's job now was to fully secure the planet, promptly clearing it of any more Separatists, and soon they would leave, and continue to a new planet to save.

In one particular spot, surrounded by crystal shards, Silas and a small group comprising of, Anakin, Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, Rex, and Cody, seemed to be sitting down on crates chatting on the previous battlefield.

Silas was speaking as he asked, "So Anakin, how was Ahsoka during battle?"

Once hearing the question, Ahsoka's body turned stiff, realizing her troubling mistakes were about to be exposed.

But surprisingly Anakin had a calm smile as he replied, "She's a bit rough around the edges, but with the right guidance she has some potential."

Ahsoka's eyes widened toward Anakin, before breaking out into a small smile.

Silas himself had his helmet off, as his lack of reaction was evident, showing he didn't believe them, not to mention, judging by Ahsoka's reaction he could tell she was far more trouble than what was told.

Regardless, he replied plainly, "I see... It seems she still has much to learn." 

Cody, who was beside Silas, also had his helmet off as he sighed in relief, "At least we finally get to rest a little now."

Rex could only nod, "I couldn't agree more."

Obi-Wan chuckled at their reactions, "I suppose Anakin and General Raven have been running you guys on overdrive, with your legions being the only quick response team in the Republic."

Anakin shrugged before his eyes hardened, "It might be hard and tiring right now, but all this hard work will pay off to end this war even faster."

Everyone went silent once hearing his words, because it was true, even though they overworked themselves, the war's timetables have quickened, with the climax nearing already.



Abruptly a ringing noise started to resound from Ahsoka leather belt.

'There goes our break...' Cody snidely thought inwardly.

"Oh yeah! I forgot, Master Yoda had a new mission for you guys!" She pulled out a circular device, which promptly showed Yoda's holographic figure calmly standing there.

This caused the rest of the group to stand in respect, as Obi-Wan spoke first.

"Greetings Master Yoda, I hear you have a new mission for us?"

Yoda nodded, "Indeed, new task, for all of you, I have."

Silas didn't seem surprised as he remembered in the animated show that shortly after Christophosis was taken, Jabba The Hutt's son was also captured.

Anakin stepped forward as he asked, "What do you need us to do Master Yoda?"

"Go to the Teth System, you shall."

This prompted Anakin to raise a brow, "The Teth System? That's a wild space, the Separatists aren't even in that sector."

"Kidnapped Jabba The Hutt's son has been, save him and return him to Jabba you must." Yoda answered.

Anakin's expression immediately darkened, "You want us to save Jabba's son?"

Silas just whistled with an aloof expression, not commenting on the mission.

Obi-Wan interrupted as he glanced toward Anakin seriously, "Anakin, we'll need the Hutt's allegiance to give us an advantage over Dooku."

Yoda hummed in agreement, "Negotiate the treaty with Jabba, Obi-Wan will. Find the renegades that hold Jabba's son, your mission will be, together with General Raven."

Ahsoka seemed eager as she smiled, "Come on Master, it doesn't sound that hard. Me, Rex and Cody will organize the troops now." Quickly running away, without even waiting, as Rex and Cody could only follow in amusement.

Anakin's expression was calm as he watched them run away, pondering on the situation.

Obi-Wan then noticed Silas seemingly lost in thought, with his arms crossed, "Silas, do you have any thoughts on the mission?"

Yoda also seemed interested as he watched Silas from his holographic projection.

Silas shook his head in response, "Nah, a mission is a mission, we'll save the kid and make sure the Republic gain's access to the Hutt's resources."

This caused Anakin to look toward Silas weirdly, but Silas just winked mysteriously.

Saying their goodbyes, Silas, Anakin, and Ahsoka, would later board a Gunship which headed to the Imperial Star Destroyer in the sky.

As Obi-Wan and Yoda's holographic figure watched them leave, Obi-Wan mentioned something.

"Let's just hope Anakin's ready for the responsibility of being a teacher."

Yoda nonchalantly responded, "Ready he is, especially with General Raven's assistance... To let go of his pupil, a greater challenge, it will be. Master this, Skywalker must."

Obi-Wan could only sigh, "If I've got to make a deal with Jabba The Hutt, I best be on my way." He then calmly walked away, as he entered his personal Jedi Ship, which was shaded in red.


In a dark cave, a hooded figure could be seen, accenting her slim yet toned body underneath it.

Ventress pulled out a circular tab, as Dooku's cloaked figure holographically hovered above it.

Dooku was the first to speak, as he said, "Ventress, I am here to tell you that it seems General Raven and Skywalker are heading to your location in an attempt to save Jabba's son."

A sly smile spread across her lips, "So it seems everything is going according to plan, master?"

Dooku nodded, "Indeed, well done Ventress."

Ventress smirked, "I could easily take them now by the time they arrive-"

She was swiftly cut off as Dooku interjected, "Don't be foolish Ventress, General Raven has demonstrated his extraordinary capabilities, not to mention when adding Anakin Skywalker to the equation, they are far beyond your skills... So do not be so hasty to die." 

Her expression showed obvious displeasure as she retorted, "I admit General Raven is a smart opponent, but Master, that's just it, he's only smart, I doubt he'll even cause me much trouble-"


Her eyes widened at his raised tone, before bowing her head, "Forgive me master, I have overstepped."

Dooku's eyes held disdain as he advised, "You would be wise to not underestimate him. Even at the Battle of Geonosis, while he caused me no trouble, I could see the potential and growth within him. He's the type of enemy who manipulates his foes into thinking he's weak, before catching them off guard."

Ventress nodded with her head still lowered, "I understand master, I'll be sure to keep my guard raised."

"That will be all then, I have sent you reinforcements, so collect the data I need, and you will get your chance for revenge soon enough."

The hologram shortly cut off as a droid stepped in from behind her.

"Mistress, it seems the Jedi have just arrived from Hyperspace."

Ventress glanced toward the droid, before stepping outside, she was on a rocky canyon of sorts as she looked up into the sky.

And just as the droid said, their was a large Imperial Star Destroyer hovering in the atmosphere, colored in black, with a smaller Acclamator ship beside it.

"I shall defeat the both of them, and prove to Master my strength." She muttered.


[Silas POV]

Silas was at the control center of the Imperial Star Destroyer, with Thrawn at the forefront, and Anakin and Ahsoka behind him.

"Luckily the Teth System wasn't too far, so we arrived fairly fast." Silas commented.

Anakin nodded, before looking toward Silas suspiciously, "I doubt your okay with helping someone like Jabba, so how come you didn't say anything?"

Silas playfully punched Anakin's shoulder as he responded, "Good soldiers, follow orders."

Anakin narrowed his eyes conspicuously, whenever Silas said that phrase, it meant he didn't want to speak in public, and that they would talk later.

Lightly laughing, he sarcastically mumbles, "What a good soldier you're."

Ahsoka looked at them strangely, while Thrawn adjourned his usual cold expression.

Silas stepped forward beside Thrawn as he remarked, "I'll be counting on you Thrawn, your air support is essential for us to capturing the enemies operating base."

Thrawn nodded, "Of course, it is but a simple task."

Silas did a curt nod as he turned around, "Alright guys, time to board the gunships, we're landing on Teth."

With that, Silas, Anakin and Ahsoka traversed the metal hallways before arriving in one of the small hangars of the ship.

Inside was a few dozen Gunships, clones all around were running back and forth, preparing to take off to battle.

Silas noticed Cody's black striped armor in front of one Gunship, seemingly shouting out orders.

Cody also caught sight of Silas and the others, jogging up to the small group of them.

"We're ready to take off sir."

They nodded as they entered a Gunship, and Rex's blue striped figure was already waiting inside.

"You ready to lead the troops, Commander Ahsoka?" Rex questioned as he slid the doors closed.

Ahsoka smiled, "Definitely."

But rather Silas seemed perplexed at this statement, before his eyes turned annoyed, "If I remember right, you were Commander of the 501st, right Rex? So am I to assume you were demoted to Captain once Ahsoka arrived?"

"Something like that sir." Rex responded.

Silas could only rub the bridges of his nose, "From hencforcth you will retain the rank of Commander, while Ahsoka will be demoted to the rank of Captain."

Ahsoka pouted, "But Master Yoda said-"

Silas sent her a sharp gaze, causing her to stop talking.

"Like Rex said before, experience outranks everything, so you shouldn't have even been given the rank of Commander, nonetheless Captain, until you prove yourself worthy of such ranks." Silas explained, as he could feel the Gunship finally lifting in altitude.

Ahsoka rolls her eyes as she jokes, "Then Yoda's decision must be right since he's more experienced than you."

"Just shut up." Silas retorts, causing everyone in the shuttle to chuckle at their antics.

He then mumbles, "Age is far from equivalent to experience..."

And just like that, all the Gunships exited the side of the Large Imperial Star Destroyer and descended upon the planet of Teth, which had a brown surface, looking strikingly similar to Mars.


Let me me know yall thoughts!

And I will be posting on Saturday and Sunday, to make up for missing the past two days.
