
Michael's Fall

As Gabriel's divine arrows relentlessly closed in on Michael, the fallen archangel found himself enveloped in an overwhelming presence—an aura that resonated with the divine, an unmistakable manifestation of God's might. The very air crackled with celestial energy, bearing witness to the intensity of the heavenly forces at play.

In the face of this divine onslaught, Michael's senses were inundated by a powerful, indescribable sensation. The aura surrounding him pulsed with an otherworldly energy, tingling his skin and sending shivers down his ethereal form. It was as if the entire universe had momentarily bowed before the Creator, acknowledging the divine justice being meted out.

The heavenly feeling washed over him, seeping into the core of his being. For the first time in what seemed like an eternity, he felt a warmth—a love that transcended mortal comprehension. It was the pure, unconditional love of God, embracing even the fallen with a compassion beyond measure.
