
An Old Friend

As if one ring wasn’t enough, he was going on about buying me one every month. My mouth dropped open when I realized that he made it sound like we would be together for many months to come. I didn’t know what to think or how to feel about that, but before I could voice my concerns, Bradon lifted my left hand and brought it to his lips and kissed the back of it.

All at once, I forgot what it was that I was about to complain about. I also lost track of all my thoughts as I stared with widened eyes at the very attractive blond man with playful sparkling blue eyes that had just kissed the back of my hand with his tender and warm lips. He looked like a prince, and I wished that his looks didn’t come with such a rotten personality and menacing attitude.

“Why don’t you post a picture of this ring on social media so the world can see it?” he suggested before smiling charmingly my way.

