
Abyssal Leviathan

Richard, still processing the monstrosity before his eyes, managed to catch a glimpse of its health bar.

"It's at 50 percent," Richard announced.

Mark, incredulous, leaned forward. "Wait…you are telling me that despite Poseidon unloading all of its armaments, the creature's health is still at 50 percent?"

Sara, looking equally shocked, added, "Just how and what can't Lin Feng summon at this point?" Her face paled at the thought of the limitless power at Lin Feng's disposal.

Richard's mind raced, processing the situation. The Abyssal Leviathan's resilience was beyond anything they had prepared for. "Eagle to Poseidon, your bird is armed with a harpoon missile right?"

"Affirmative, Eagle," the pilot responded, his voice tense but focused.

"Now that the Leviathan has surfaced, it's vulnerable to a direct hit. Use the AGM-84D Harpoon missile," Richard instructed.
