
The "Master" Again. (R18)

A week later, in Shenzhen, China.

"What the... hell!" Lin Feng bellowed in fury when he heard the news from Su Xue.

"It's true, my master. Andrea Mcdonie's gone, and it wasn't against her will. The Blackwatch set her free," Su Xue reported.

Unable to contain his anger, Lin Feng slammed his foot into the ground, creating shockwaves that cracked the earth in all directions.

"How long ago did this happen?" Lin Feng demanded.

"About a week," Su Xue admitted.

"Why the hell didn't you tell me sooner?" Lin Feng glared at Su Xue, who immediately shrunk back.

Seeing Su Xue flinch, Lin Feng took a deep breath to calm himself. He realized that yelling wouldn't solve the problem at hand.

"Who was it that freed her again? The Blackwatch?" 

Su Xue nodded in confirmation. "They are indeed. I'm finding it hard to believe that the Philippines has a paramilitary organization with huge military assets. They pose a threat to our existence," 
