
Chapter 35: Road to the Exams Part 1!


Narrator's POV

The silent yet lively forest of the Land of Fire was admired for its tranquil beauty. It was known for the enjoyable relaxed atmosphere, in the safe land run by the Leaf Village. This usual peace was slowly disturbed by a sound of swishing air and light taps among the branches. A deer cautiously stared ahead looking for the origin of the noise and debating retreating. It raised its ears to ensure it could sense what was approaching.

Before the deer could even react black streaks flew overhead. The streaks seemed to maneuver around the trees of the forest with faultless speed. The instinct of the deer told it to hide or attempt to run. But there was no point. This many predators moving this fast was an inescapable threat.

Nearby unrelated shinobi or chakra talented civilians in the Land of Fire spoke an immeasurable chakra wave. They report Leaf shinobi flying through the forest at absurd speeds. The ranks and identities varied wildly. First was reports of a ghostly Anbu unit. Never seen but felt by their powerful chakra. Others whispered of a devastating trio. Hiruzen the God of Shinobi flanked by the two remaining loyal Sannin. Others told of a hoard of Genin and Jounin. Their sure numbers terrifying those who walked by.

Some feared war was on the horizon. But those in the know were already aware. The Leaf were on their way to the Chunin Exams.


Many men in the world wished to travel and adventure. Personally he never truly understood it. He was a pragmatic man and his home seemed to provide everything he needed. Clear skies to observe clouds, plenty of shady trees to avoid the sun, peaceful animal life. Yet as he marched through the endless trees the country of Fire was known for Shikamaru had to admit he felt out of place among the large group of shinobi. Even with his remarkable mind it was completely unexpected that they would be traveling with such a strong group. Despite the Jounin giving them the adequate amount of space, the energy exuded by them was almost suffocating even if they seemed almost nonchalant. The Jounin formed a loose circle around the Genin. It was almost like they were babysitting them. Not to mention that the untraceable ANBU watching their every move like hawks was a little unnerving even if they were all supposed to be allies. The group was covering a large amount of ground. It was impressive considering how big of a group they were, without even a single person being out of place. Being a bit spread out allowed them to flank any attackers. To their back was a triangle of Anbu who acted as both the flank watch and extra protection from them. Shikamaru could feel latent chakra just from the Jounin surrounding them. But the Anbu seemed to have no chakra signal. They moved utterly silently, not even a word being uttered as they traversed and scouted the area around them. If the Jounin were the shining stars traversing with them then the Anbu were like abyssal night. Their Kage somehow displayed both characteristics. He traversed the trees easier than any Jounin. His large chakra dwarfed any person within the vicinity regardless of their position or power. A subtle sign of their Hokage's strength. He by himself would be intimidating. But flanked by two of the Sannin the very air around them seemed to vibrate. Clearly the best Anbu had been sent from the front. They somehow both buzzed with latent power while being utterly silent. Shikamaru would observe them travel but be shocked when they would seemingly disappear before his very eyes. Before he would spot them again feeling their power as he did. To think this was a small battalion. He was definitely feeling inadequate but the fact that the hokage and two of the Sannin personally came for their protection somehow endeared the hokage to him more than ever. It clearly showed how much he cared for them even if they meant nothing in his armada. He decided to change the topic. Being surrounded by so many notable figures was giving him a mental crisis.

Shikamaru never considered himself much nor did he want to be. He wasn't innately talented such as Sasuke or Neji. He wasn't the most determined, that would go to the absurd try hard like Naruto or Lee. His personality left a lot to be desired as Ino or his mother would say. The point was that the young lazy man knew his role. He was to follow orders and perform as expected. He was an intelligent man. Not in arrogance but merely in measurement. When he was young Iruka tricked him into taking an IQ test. Shikamaru had scored higher than even his genius father. That was when his life had shifted. Before the discovery, all he had to worry about was doing right by his clan. After the discovery though, everyone seemed to expect greatness from him. Shikamaru didn't mind, but it was admittedly disappointing for them when he didn't achieve it or according to some didn't want to achieve it. Shikamaru knew he was lazy, but he preferred it that way. In his experience guys who cared more than he, often suffered more for it. He had met people who were different from him yet relaxed. They didn't treat him too differently which was nice. Choji, a kind man, is soft and measured compared to his combat style. Shino, a man who was similar to him. Well except for the bugs anyway. Kiba didn't think much of the Nara valuing strength overall. They were all easy friends, comfortable ones. Then he met Naruto Uzumaki. The man was widely disliked by the general public. He and his mother truly. The reason was unknown but it never got too far out of line. As such Naruto suffered.

Shikamaru did not know why. But the guilt of leaving him alone became unbearable. So he offered to sit with him. It had been a small act of kindness, maybe even pity, a measly kindness. But he still remembered the happiness the blonde had shown that day. As if he was shocked by being treated as a human being. Shikamaru had hesitantly decided to help the guy out. He had introduced him to his friends. Had him hang out with his crew outside the academy. The whole nine yards. But he was shocked when he realized he genuinely enjoyed Naruto despite how he seemed to involve him in all sorts of mess. He had an unshakable confidence, an endless drive, and genuinely seemed to love people. An extrovert who surely would've been popular if he was a better shinobi or had a better reputation. Choji had always been his best friend and he still was. But Naruto had gained the rank as well. It was troublesome having him as a friend. But Shikamaru truly didn't mind.

He still didn't. He supposed some part of him should be upset to be doing extra work. Especially one that seemed to be a village secret of some kind. But he had a soft heart. When it was his friends, he tended to put effort in…..much to his own dismay. Which led to him walking side by side with Asuma. The two smoked as they strolled. A habit Asuma had accidentally bestowed upon the Nara as he liked to say, much to the disappointment of his mother.

"Asuma-sensei," Shikamaru started as mind settled in for the task at hand.

"Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"Hmm?" Asuma hummed as he puffed.

"Why do people dislike the Uzumaki family?" Shikamaru asked, keeping his voice casual and as innocent as he could manage. He needed to start subtly. Not make his intention clear before Asuma's position was assured. Asuma flinched slightly. Before he smiled innocently himself. If it wasn't for Shikamaru watching closely he may have missed it.

"I can't be certain. I assume it might be the pranks Naruto used to do." Asuma replied nonchalantly, taking over the topic. "Personally found it entertaining, but some people can't take a joke."

But the Nara wasn't just that easy to convince. "Who was his father?"

The Nara drove through. Even a Jounin may slip if pressed suddenly. Shikamaru observed another flinch. It seemed the secret behind the hate of the Uzumaki and the mystery behind Naruto's father were connected in some way.

"I have no idea, Shikamaru. Was never that close with them. Why are you asking anyway? Do you like Blondie or something? '' Asuma joked.

Shikamaru silently took a couple of small puffs of his cigarette flicking off the ash as he pondered the response. It was clear Asuma was hiding something, but why was he hiding it? Even more interesting was the deflection he attempted to use. As he eyed him Asuma met his gaze. Eyes lacking the usual relaxed nature he held.

Asuma sighed. He was cornered here, and Shikamaru wouldn't leave the topic without some consolation.

"Shikamaru," Asuma said, his voice now tense. "Some things are simply not our business."

"I wish that was the case sensei. But I need to know the truth. " Shikamaru said, now glaring at Asuma's eyes. The Jounin matched the stare. The two smoking men stared down at each other intently. Before Asuma chuckled with a smile.

"Not sure why you're fired up about this. But I have to encourage it as your sensei. I warn you this secret is a big one. So I can only give you one piece of info. If you discover it on your own ,it should be fine." Asuma said, almost seeming proud.

Shikamaru nodded as he kneeled and got into position to elevate his thinking.

"October tenth. Exactly eighteen years ago. That date should be a decent enough stopping point for someone like yourself." Asuma said before he sped up his pace. Leaving the Nara standing still amongst the traveling crowd.

Shikamaru hummed at this. He knew the day was significant, but in what way? It was certainly an eventful day. Otherwise, why would Asuma bring it up? Shikamaru stopped walking as the importance of the date ran through his skull. October tenth was the day the Nine-Tails had launched an assault on the Leaf. They had suffered great losses but had managed to slay the beast. The question was then. What the hell did Naruto, Kushina, and the Nine Tails have in common? Why was that day related to Naruto?

"What a drag. I'll have to look into the stupid fox without looking like a worshiping fanatic of Kitsunes." Shikamaru complained quietly to himself.

"Pineapple, we can help you with that info." Shikamaru looked up tiredly to see Sai and Tenten standing behind him. It seems they had listened to his conversation with Asuma.

"It works out nicely. We had some information to give to you anyway. As well as a proposal of sorts." Tenten added. "I already asked the Anbu, we can go off to the side as long as we keep up. So let's chat."

"Why not discuss it here?" Shikamaru asked, confused. He knew his teammates were odd but it seemed they had information no Genin should have.

"Well Pineapple, we can't afford for just anyone to hear it." Sai explained happily. Recently he had improved a lot, primarily he had discovered a love of teasing him. Shikamaru resisted the urge to ignore them. He could use the help. Besides, he was suspicious of the two for a while now. They had been hiding something this entire time.

"Fine, let's do it." Shikamaru said as the three leaped to the side, gaining some distance from the group. "So why are we being so secretive anyway Sai?"

"Sai won't be able to answer, unfortunately. At least not on that topic. Let's start with your mention of the tailed beast." Tenten interjected with an apologetic smile.

"See that's setting off red flags. How would you two know anything substantial about the tailed beast? You should have access to the same information I have." Shikamaru said with a small frown.

"That is unfortunately not the case, Pineapple." Sai said with his unusual smile.

"What?" Shikamaru asked, "And stop calling me Pineapple, you're already dragging it out."

"We were part of a shadowy organization based loosely off the Anbu." Tenten started. "The name of the organization was Root, it was run by a secretive man named Danzo Shimura."

"You two were related to Root?!" After the arrest of Danzo Shimura the Root had been exposed to the public for various crimes. Shikamaru started but was interrupted as Sai put a hand on his shoulder. He hadn't even heard him move. When had Sai gotten so fast?

"We're definitely not normal Genin. None of the members of Root are normal. We go through intensive physical and mental training. Disregarding every aspect of what makes a human 'human' to twenty-fours a day, efficient, shinobi. Most of it is designed to wipe our personalities while hyperfocusing on skills. The members who fully graduate become machines. Unfearing of death and uncaring of life. Only the safety and development of the village is the goal."

"You noted early on that Sai seemed off. Even me to some extent I'm sure. The only reason we aren't fully broken is due to Danzo being captured. He was "kind" enough to offer us freedom first. Unfortunately, Sai had been in the system longer. Whoever he was before the training is almost fully gone. As is his ability to tell of his past. A seal is put upon the tongue once joining. This makes it impossible for them to discuss Root or Danzo without Danzo being nearby. Luckily I was spared of this due to being a spy for the Hokage. Allowing me to explain this to you and providing me the opportunity to correct the wrongs of Danzo. We're even at a higher level than most Genin. It's why we pushed for these exams." Tenten explained as she drew a blade from a scroll.

"You two were put on the Genin teams to spy, weren't you? Why are you telling me this? You almost certainly need to kill me, now. Otherwise I will become a loose end with the potential to get you both arrested." Shikamaru said as sweat slid down his face. He had known the two were keeping a secret, but he hadn't considered the fact it might be a lethal one!

Tenten lowered herself to the ground to face the Nara. Placing the blade beneath his chin.

"Because we're friends now. And we could use your help." Tenten said sadly. Despite the clear threat Shikamaru could see pain in her eyes. A plea for help. Shikamaru preferred to avoid trouble like this. But if his team was involved. He would have to at least hear them out.

"Well, I'm not brave enough to say no. So I'll hear you out. Damn troublesome woman." Shikamaru complained.

"Pineapple that isn't very nice." Sai started, as Tenten put more pressure on the blade. "Or wise." and finished with a smile.

"I figured you'd see it that way." Tenten said sweetly. "See due to Danzo being arrested the Root is gone. This is for the best considering how far we have fallen. Sai and I intend to rebuild the Root and improve upon it. The Problem is…"

"Panda isn't a leader and I'm too unnerving." Sai explained easily.

Suddenly the three shifted in positions as Shikamaru held back a murderous Tenten as Sai scribbled into a journal. "Seems Panda is the winner."

"Not if you wanna live you damn troublesome bastard!" Shikamaru complained as he held back the newly dubbed "Panda".

"Sai you're dead! You hear me!? DEAD!" She declared then both stopped suddenly. Shikamaru felt a shiver as he saw the raw emotion seem to drain from her. Even as a spy Danzo's teaching had clearly affected her to some degree. "Urgh, damnit Sai why couldn't you focus on manners or something else? That would be a much easier way to seem normal! Either way, we need you to join us. We could use someone like you." Tenten declared.

"We also like you Pineapple." Sai added. "In turn, we can tell something to help your search as well as provide any future info provided. With limits of course, for example, we can't outright tell you what you seek. Merely point you in the right direction. See there is a law that protects this information. The cost of breaking is death. Well I supposed it would be executed. Though luckily for you, there is no such law for discovering the information naturally. They likely won't blink twice for a genius like you to have figured it out."

"See the night of the Nine Tails Assault we were told wasn't fully accurate." Tenten finished grimly.

Shikamaru hummed inquisitively as he pondered this before his eyes opened. "If something of that night was untrue it could only be the most outlandish claim! Did the Nine Tails n-"

"Unfortunately that's all we can tell you for now, Pineapple. Besides, you shouldn't speak of it so plainly." Tenten finished suddenly. The two almost seemed to flee back to the group. Shikamaru realized this secret may be a bigger deal than he realized. Death for telling others. And it was somehow all connected to Naruto?

"Why is every normal thing in my life such a pain." The Nara complained to himself.

We keep creeping closer to the first big arc! I'm excited for you all to experience it! But before we arrive our favorite Nara has decided to do some snooping. Discovering the secret of his teammates and the intensity behind Naruto's. Anyways sorry for the late release! Peace~!

AfroLordcreators' thoughts