
Ch 25 Street Of Steel


Me and William headed towards the city and passed through the Kings Gate. I called over a beggar boy and offered some coin to lead us to Thobo Mott's shop.

He lead us down River Row for a while before turning north and following a smaller street until we reached the right place.

It was a large white plastered three story house with a storefront on the first level.

I paid the beggar in a handful of silver coins and entered with William.

I could see the forges in the rear courtyard of the building as four young men hammered away at various pieces of both swords and armor.

I saw a fat man in a blank coat with silver hammers embroidered on it's sleeves.

When he saw me in my demonic armor he ran over to introduce himself

"Greetings dragonrider.... Your armor is exquisite, when I first saw it in the melee I desired to make something in it's style...

....Ahh my apologies I get excited when I see such a wonderful work of art. I am Tohbo Mott, Master Qohorik armorer at your service... so what is it you desire."

He spoke like an excited child when he saw my armor.... truly a man who loves his craft.

"This young man has recently joined my service and requires a proper suit of armor."

"Come here boy let me get your measurements." Thobo said as he grabbed Willem and began writing numbers on a small board.

After half a minute Thobo turned to me and asked what design I would prefer.

The fact that it took him only half a minute to get his measurement didn't surprise me.... he was a master at his craft after all.

I require Black armor for him, My Sigil on the breastplate, it's a drop of blood with Black wings on it, Put felt on the inside since we will be moving to the north soon."

"Give me Three days, I have just the set that would be perfect. A Knight ordered the set and it will be perfect after it is adjusted slightly since the knight is unable to collect.... due to his early death."

Thobo responded and brought us to a side room where a nearly complete set of armor lay.

"This is the set, I will need to engrave the armor and add your Sigil after I resize The breastplate and helmet. I will turn the armor black with an acid treatment after the resizing." Thobo told us

I would normally ask for a new set but It was quite a handsome piece of armor so it was fine.

"This is more than acceptable Matter Thobo.

Here is payment." I spoke as I put a hold bar on the Table.

"Too much...but I'll accept it I'll make sure not to dissappoint." He said as he called for a girl to take the gold bar away.

We headed out and headed back to the tents.

"Willem have you ever bedded a woman?"I asked the young man... i could sense that he hadn't

"N....No...My Lord." He stuttered out with a red face.

"Why not boy?" I asked genuinely curious.

"I don't like the idea of paying for a woman My Lord...I am waiting for marriage.... I am born a bastard..... I don't wish for my children to be as well." he told me with his head down.

He could find some commoner but A hedge knight would have lots of trouble finding a woman of noble birth to be interested in wedding them.

"Now that you the first man in my service some lords will wish to betroth their daughters to you... which is a very good thing."

He smiled at the thought of a bride being easy to find.

"Will they really offer their daughters my Lord, I am barley a Knight." he asked skeptically.

"You are the first sworn sword of The only Dragonrider in hundreds of years....those women will come... like seagulls to crumbs."

I told him to which he smiled like an idiot so I smacked him upside the head

"Don't smile like that in public...it makes you look like an idiot."

I scolded Willem then I gave him some advice.

"There are many Vixens and scheming Lords out there boy...When it comes time to choose a bride I will let you know which ones are a good choice..... I don't want you marrying some loose trollop or wicked harpy after all."

I told him sternly and he nodded seriously.

We made our way to the Jousts after leaving my armor in the tent because I wanted to see my women.

Willem blushed when he saw Tysha and Pippa in my tent as they took off my armor but I smacked his head and told him that they belong to me.

He nodded and avoided looking at either of them.

I may have to force him to visit a brothel since he is at that age even if he doesn't want to.

We then made our way to the Royal Booths on foot.

I wore Black silken clothes with gold embroidery and a straight valyrian Estoc on my hip.

I gave Willem some Black clothes with my house sigil embroidered on the chest that made him stop looking like a country bumpkin.

I approached the Royal Booths with my New squire and had him stand guard behind us as I sat in my chair, Lily quickly jumped in my lap and began to feed me bits of Cheese while kissing my cheeks.

I chatted with Rhaella as I held her soft hand in mine.

I told them both about my new Knight and told them of his circumstances.

Rhaella said that it was good to find subordinates before going North.

We spoke about the wedding and she teased that I better Get the Crown Of Love and Beauty for her or she would pinch me for a week.

We chatted for a few hours Until it was nearly time for my joust.....I would be facing

John 'The Prince Lover' Connington....He was good friends with Rhaegar and was rumored to be in love with him.

Then I looked around to see if I could find The Griffin.

I saw Connington and Rhaegar talking while standing In the corner of the Royal booth.

Connington had fiery red hair and Piercing blue eyes that showed his tenacity. He already donned his Griffin themed armor.

I couldn't deny that it was a beautiful armor, I would just have to put some dents in it to bring him down a peg.

As I observed his interaction with The Cuck Prince, I could see the love he had for the Prince but it was far overshadowed by his fanaticism....seems like a zealot.

I'm sure he wouldn't be happy with the humiliation I gave the crown prince during our very short battle in the melee.

From what the other knights told me most men would purposely give the Prince a win during a tourney, I guess they were just sucking up to the 'future King' to get on his good side.

Hope he doesn't try something stupid on the lists but you never know.

I Bid goodbye to my women and returned to my tent, it was time to get back in my armor.

I had my two maids help me into my Armor as Willem stood at the tent door, I guess the boy didn't want to be scolded for looking at my maids again.

I finished suiting up and mounted shadowmare before leading him to the lists.

I wondered where Melisandre was so I sensed the presence of her magic amulet since it was connected to me.

She was in the forest outside of the city and seemed to be launching magic spells.

There was no distress signal from the amulet so I assumed she was just testing her new powers.

When I arrived at the lists Connington was already parading around and the crowd was clapping a bit but when I trotted in on the fully armored Shadowmare the crowd exploded and they errupted In cheers.

This seemed to irk Connington who angrily closed his visor.

I carried Two bouquets of flowers in my hands, Red Roses for Rhaella and White Roses for lily.

I had shadowmare Trot to where my women were and stop abruptly before neighing loudly while rising on his high legs. My horse seemed to love putting on a show.

I gave the roses to my women who were blushing madly while other noblewomen looked on jealously.

I brought them both In for a kiss then I turned shadowmare around and rode to position as Willem handed over my lance and I closed my Visor.

Shadowmare Began stomping his feet and snorting like last time but instead of being angry he was looking to show off his speed to the Mare being ridden by Connington.

What a depraved horse....I really don't know where he gets it from.....

I instructed Shadowmare through our mental connection to not speed up as much since I wanted to inflict a bit of damage on the Griffin and going full speed would see him demolished In one bout.

Shadowmare reluctantly agreed but we made a mental deal that I would find one new mare for him after the joust to which I agreed.

The bugle sounded and I rocketed forwards at incredible speeds.....I lowered my lance and aimed at Connington's chest.

I'm a flash we both struck eachother with good hits. both of our landed broke but my superhuman durability negated most of the impact where Connington on the other hand would feel every inch of pain from every lance.


We continued our joust and after I broke eleven lances on Connington before he began to look as if he were about to fall off of his horse.

I would sometimes break the lance on his chest, and other times on his arm.

Slowly it became too much for him as he got a concussion and deep bruising from all the impacts. Meanwhile I was good as new and didn't suffer any injury.

On my twelfth lance Connington lost his hold and flew out of his saddle, He hit the dirt with a resounding thud.

The crowd cheered loudly at the victory while the nobles clapped gently, I heard some nobles grumble at the loss of coin In their bets.....only an idiot would bet against me.

'a fool and his money are easily parted.'

I rode out triumphantly as Connington was carried out by a few of his servants and taken to a maester.

I Returned To my tent since I had now secured my place in the championship.

The next round wouldn't be for another hour and I felt like Taking a nap.....Rhaegar would be my most likely opponent but only time would tell since it was likely that the Kingsguard would drop out if they were out against him.

Before sleeping I drew up a quick letter.

I called my new attendant over and I Ordered Willem to visit Chatayas brothel on the street of Silk since it was supposedly the highest quality, then he would hand over a letter to the matron along with a large bag of gold coins.

' Dear matron, The young lad bearing '

this letter recently entered my service.

He is a virgin boy and requires knowledge

on matters of the flesh.

I expect him to return experienced with

many women and In different positions

so as to not disappoint his future wife.

-Lord Alucard Cathicus, Former Prince

Of Aedirn, The Bloodborne, Son of Aelith

The Sorceress, Master of the Dragon


Enclosed you will find 300 gold pieces

ensure the highest levels of service or I

' will have you know the reason why. '

When Willem heard his orders he put up a feigned resistance. I knew he wanted to go even before he met me but never had a justifiable reason to.

I went inside and called Pippa and Tysha to nap in my arms. . . I would break my lance on Cuck Prince's helmet tomorrow, of that I was sure. . .

(Wedding, Gore, Lemons Coming Soon)

