
Escape (Part-2)

As the jailer confirmed my unconscious state, I seized the opportunity to act.

With swift agility, I wrapped both of my legs around his neck, locking them in place as he struggled to break free.

"You-" (Jailer)

Despite his frantic efforts, I held on tightly, pulling him up with all my strength, intent on incapacitating him.

"N-No...T so... Easily!" (Jailer)

The jailer grappled with my legs, attempting to pry them apart, but I maintained my grip, determined to subdue him.

'Argh, my legs, my legs, only little more, Alex, only little more...' I told to myself.

In his desperation, he lashed out, striking my legs forcefully in an attempt to loosen my hold.

'Fuck, my grip is loosening.' (Alex)

Just when it seemed like he might escape, Lisa, chained to the ceiling, swung her body with remarkable force and accuracy, delivering a powerful kick to the jailer's head.

