
Preparing To Devour Caesar Salad

Entry 163:

Linus Ozias POV:

As I meditate under the sun and feel the light enter my being, I feel content and one with the universe, as it feels like being in a warm embrace that constantly aids you. It is the little things, such as being able to hear the sound of the waves from miles away and see from one end of the Earth to another.

I clench my right fist, seeing the blade scar on it from my time in Asgard, and while I could heal it at this point, it feels wrong to do as it is barely noticeable but a scar nonetheless. 

In front of me, I see Mash sparring with Boudica as sword meets giant shield in a dance of dodging, bashing, and slashing.

Ritsuka is taking a nap after fighting while Nero rests in her tent. Spartacus has been attempting to interrogate the prisoners, but due to the nature of his being a berserker, all of his words come out as him screaming or grunting. Thanks to my all speak for helping me understand his language.

As I ruminate on my thoughts, I hear Nero awaken from the uptake of her heartbeat, to which I ask, "Permission to enter, Empress?" 

Nero then says from inside, "One moment Viceroy." I then wait a couple of minutes, and I enter to her sitting at a table looking towards a map. While entering, I asked, "Does rest not come to you easily as I could hear you from outside."

Nero smiles a bit solemnly as she says, "It is nothing, just old memories best left forgotten." I then place a hand on her shoulder and say, "While I may not be the paragon of virtue, I will and am able to lend an ear." 

The Empress sighs as she asks, "Do you have a family Viceroy?" I nod as she continues, "You must understand that dealing with matters within the family is difficult and complicated, to say the least, especially with my own."

I then simply say, "It is those who are close to us that truly tend to cause the most complicated of issues." The Empress then chuckles as she says, "What Caligula said when we first battled him about the insanity, it is, what did you call it earlier genetic? I can feel it scratching at the corners of my mind, just wishing for me to bathe in luxury and to smite all those that annoy me."

I then ask, "Am I currently annoying you?" She shakes her head as she says, "It is, in fact, the opposite as in your presence, I feel calmer. It's like standing next to the Sun, feeling its Warm Rays bathing me. Is it too late to ask if you are willing to stay?" 

In the last part, she says quietly as I respond, "I apologize, but our wanderings take us everywhere, and we are not so easily tied down."

Nero then looks into my eyes as she asks, "Would I be able to come with you then?" I then counter by saying, "Would you be able to give it all up? You are the Empress of an empire that spans continents. Your people need you. We are but extras in your story." 

Nero shakes her head as she says, "To me, there are no extras in the story, and while that may seem rich coming from myself, and no matter how much I try to increase my standing, I truly do understand that I would not be here without my citizens and my luck."

I then say, "I would agree, but I have a bit of a unique perspective on life, but enough of the sulking we should focus on how to deal with the United Roman Empire. Are these the current numbers of the first general?"

 Nero nods as she says, "Yes, according to the prisoners we have been able to interrogate, they are scouts sent by Caesar. But what does not make sense is that he is an expert planner yet sent only a small force."

The map itself shows the surrounding area for a decent number of miles and shows how Caesar holds a force numbering in the thousands. But I have to give credit to the old emperor, as while the men did know the numbers and some of the positions, they did not know where the main bases were.

But before I can scan for the locations of the other bases, one soldier yells out, "I bring news! Another enemy scouting party has been discovered!" As he says that, I focus on the forest surrounding us and find a hundred men heading for the camp. 

I nod as I hand Nero her sword, and I say, "This conversation is not over. I do feel free to take it at your own time." She nods and umus in response as we head out to meet the enemy scouting party.

Ritsuka has woken up and readies her gauntlets with malicious intent as Mash and the other servants appear with Nobu and Artoria leading the defense as Karna defends Nero while Boudica and Spartacus meet me at the gate to which me and Spratcus nod to each other and jump,, into the fray.

Boudica simply sighs as she says to herself, "Men, always so ready to fight. Well, I better join them before Spartacus kills them all." As she says this, she jumps down with her sword and shield with archers standing atop the camp's walls, and Nero commands them to fire as all three of us dodge the arrows.

Well, Spartacus just lets them bounce off, and we continue to cut our way through them with Nobu firing her musket and Artora dashing across the battlefield. 

On my orders, Karna stays with Ritsuka and Nero. But since it was only a hundred, the battle is short-lived as this team is stacked, and even that is an understatement.

In the original story, some of the men were able to flee during the fighting, but due to the effect that we were all present, the battle did not last long enough for some of the scouts to even attempt to run away. 

Seeing this, I captured some of the leaders, and we took them into camp. Boudica looks at me and Spartacus and says, "I would not believe to have found one so daring as him, but I stand corrected.

Ritsuka then says, "Well, it just makes sense for us to be the vanguard, as he is invincible." Boudica does not seem enthused by this as she asks, "Oh, and is he truly invincible?" Ritsuka nods as she says, "I mean, he was able to take on a Berserker and ended the fight in minutes with no damage."

This causes Boudica's eyes to widen as Spartacus asks, "Well then, I would hope to be able to test this invincibility later in a spar as I have yet to meet an opponent worthy enough for me to go all out or even use all of my madness enhancement."

But while it sounded articulate from him, it was mostly just grunts and him flexing his muscles, to which I nodded as he walked away, satisfied, to which Mash asked, "How much are you able to understand him, Ozias Senpai?"

I simply say, "Enough to know what he wants. But on the subject of me being Invincible, that is not very likely as there's only one being that is invincible, and that is all I shall say in this matter, but in terms of durability, I am quite dense."

Boudicca remains silent at this answer as she then goes to interrogate the prisoners. I say to the others, "Well, while we are waiting to determine the location of the enemy, all of you can do as you see fit, and also, well done with keeping the camp safe, and thank you, Karna, for keeping the empress safe as well."

The servants give a nod as Karna says flatly, "I am simply doing the duty of a servant." I nod, understanding his viewpoint, and the others go to do their own thing as I scan for the enemy base, which seems to be near the center of where France will be formed. While this may seem daunting, it is not unexpected.

For now, though, let Boudica interrogate the prisoners, and the others rest or prepare, and as I look to Ritsuka, I sit down next to her and ask, "How are you holding up?" Ritsuka then says, "I am doing better but still find combat to be slightly scary Oz. I mean, I went from having a part-time job to becoming essentially a time cop."

We both chuckle at this comment as I say, "Well, it is good that you are feeling better, and I can understand that it will take some time for you to get used to having to take lives or harm others, but that, again, is not a weakness. It is simply part of the process." 

Ritsuka then says, "But you see, Oz, that is the thing I am also scared of eventually becoming apathetic to ending the lives of others."

I ponder this as while I could be considered apathetic. I do not enjoy it other than in specific cases. "And that is completely all right, and the fact that you fear to become apathetic shows your Humanity never goes hollow, Ritsuka, and besides, it is good to see you improve with the weaponry."

Ritsuka, with stars in her eyes, says excitedly, "Yes! These weapons are so cool! But where is that rocket launcher from before?" I laugh as I say, "I am sorry, my friend, but that is going to have to stay back at the base as since we are dealing with melee combat, I do not want you blowing up our allies." 

Ritsuka, with a cute pout, then says, "I can be responsible with explosives." 

About as much as Klee is from Genshin Impact, but I pat the girl on the head as I say, "You will be able to use it eventually, just not now, and besides, I think the gauntlets and the other weapons I have given you should be entertainment enough don't make me revoke your weapon privileges Ritsuka."

Ritsuka, with a faux indignant tone, "What are you, my father?" I am so tempted to say yes, but I hold it in as I respond with, "Technically, my friend, I am old enough to be anyone's father." She smiles at that as we sit and enjoy the silence. Until Boudica is done, at least as she exits the tent with the men inside, they are definitely worse for wear.

As she approaches us, she asks where the Empress is, and I direct her to her tent. And she then thanks me and goes on her way. Romani then says [It is very odd to see that woman working so closely with the Empress, given their shared history.]

Ritsuka gives Romani a questioning look as he explains [ Boudica, as you both know, was a queen of what would later become Britain, and it was during the reign of Nero when her daughters were raped and her country ravaged, yet she is working with her. It must be due to the extenuating circumstances. Even the actions of Spartacus surprised me as he led a rebellion even if it failed against a previous emperor.]

I nod along with Ritsuka as she seems almost sad at their fates as I say, "There is nothing to be done, my friend. It is simply history, and besides, who says we can't make their afterlife much better even if it is only one version of them." Ritsuka then smiles and says, "Yeah, I understand Oz, but for now, let's eat. I am starving."

I chuckle as Nero appears behind me. I totally do not appear surprised as she says, "I see the perfect opportunity has arisen for the great Nero to judge the cooking of her Viceroy, so Lord Ozias, let us see your culinary skills first hand." I nod as I prepare to cook in my makeshift kitchen in my own tent.

For the future, while it waits, no man shall have to wait for one chef to show his might, and as the saying goes, "I am the steel of my frying pan." And besides, one cannot defeat ancient Emperors on an empty stomach.
