
A New Alliance Reveals Itself

Entry 108:

Great Red POV:

What is a dream?

A series of thoughts, images, and sensations during sleep humans have defined it.

A concept that embodies imagination, another may say.

The creation before creation other beings may describe it.

For me, the concept of dream is simple.

I am the dream because I am Great Red.

The Dragon Of Dragons is the strongest being in this universe. Such a phrase has defined my existence since the concept of memory was created.

Every day, I witness billions of dreams across the world, from the good to the deplorable.

But such is imagination as it is unbound by the concepts of subjective Good and Evil.

The dreams I may witness are not just limited to gods and humans but all the races that dream, and through their dreams, I gained strength and inspiration.

The Infinite Dragon God is annoyed by my presence because of it, as to her, I am a constant stream of noise. Still, such things are inevitable in this life as I float through the Dimensional Gap guarding our universe, such as the role of the strongest after all.

Others believe that dragons are beings of strength that care little for others, and while I am the same, I believe in an extra Factor that beings lower than myself have the potential to reach such heights but are only lowered by their own perspective.

I welcome the challenges and the possibilities, and when I saw that angel enter the Dimensional Gap for the first time, I knew he was different as his spark was shining so brightly that I believed he could fill the Gap itself.

What was different was that he did not fear me. He did look at me in weariness, which is understandable, but no fear, which was definitely different. While he was respectful, he did not lower himself.

He held the bearing of a god, and as such, I continue to allow his presence in the gap, and it seemingly was a good decision on my part, as when I viewed his evolution, it was beautiful.

At the current rate, he is gaining power; he could surpass me in but a couple of months, and I draw near infinite power from the dreams across an entire world, yet he only requires himself.

Even now, the faith energy he is gaining he does not use and only relies on his own strength as well as his newfound divinity.

In this angel, I see an equal and maybe even a superior someday as I feel that he shall grow beyond this world but not out of boredom simply because his presence shall become so all-encompassing the world cannot contain him.

And then I saw him reseal the Beast of Apocalypse using the negativity of every being across the planet to create an almost unbreakable cage, and while I could break the seals, it would require years of my full power blasts constantly.

Even then, the seals themselves are gaining power and growing more complex and robust with every passing day.

But it is not just the angel himself that interests me. It's how he affects the world around him as he has changed Fates that would have ended badly and inspired others to become more by merely being in his presence.

Even the infinite Dragon God herself has become putty in his hands, yet he does not take advantage of her and only asks her to find those two Devils, which would cause plenty of problems in the future.

One could take it as him eliminating possible threats, but I see it as something else that it really is.

That angel before all of this saw a future, and what he saw must have terrified him to act out so bluntly. In comparison to the thousands of years the supernatural has existed, these past couple of months have caused more change since the beginning of time.

Not only have multiple mythologies roused from their slumber, but the biblical factions have found peace and have made an alliance with not only the Yokai but also the Asgardians. 

It's as if he's preparing for something, and it is something even I cannot foresee. I may need to ask him one of these days what he is preparing for. But for now, it is time to focus on the more important things, thinking of more air tricks to annoy Ophis.

Let the angel have his world, and I shall defend it as without it, there would be no Great Red because while the dream may exist without me, I cannot ignore the possibility that I am without equal.

Linus Ozias POV:

Well, I can definitely say I was right about how Yasaka would react to the innocence that is Ingvild as she immediately took her from my arms, put her in bed, and proceeded to berate me on how to treat the girl as I smiled and listened.

She understands that I know as well as the circumstances that the girl was put under, and she deserves to be put under the category of must be protected.

Rose was interested in the girl's sacred gear, which I allowed her to ask the woman when she woke up from her sleep, as it had been a tough day for her.

Kunou's reaction was to say she felt like a calm sea from her understanding of nature energy while Ophis snuggled up next to her as she found her presence nice due to Nereid Kyrie's effect on dragons.

Make no mistake, the sacred gear would not be able to affect the Infinite Dragon God unless the girl trained hard, and Ophis is only allowing the presence to affect her because she knows the girl is not a threat.

For now, though, we allow Ophis and Ingvild to rest as we eat dinner and talk about our day as Yasaka discusses the various reactions from the Yokai to the treaty.

Rose describes her experience in Kyoto's dollar stores as the woman is a penny pincher at heart.

Kunou is sitting on my shoulders as usual as she brags about her success in her studies while I smile at the warmness of this room and enjoy the moment.

Tomorrow, I head to Olympus to discuss the treaty with the gods and then head to Hades to see what is happening there while eliminating the dragon eater to rid the world of that poisonous existence.

For now, though, I shall return to the mindscape to talk with Gaea again, and as I finish cleaning up from dinner, I walk to the backyard and begin to meditate.

I find the mindscape remains the same, but a rather dark presence has made itself known, and as we stare at one another, Gaea interrupts by saying, "Why are you here, Tartarus? You did not respond to me all those years ago after we made the giants in order to destroy Olympus. Why do you appear now?"

The being of darkness then chuckles as he says, "Why so distant, Gaea? I am only here to visit a friend, although I may have to ask who this being is?" I look at him and say, "I am Anakim, angel of God and friend of Gaea."

Tartarus then begins to laugh as if finding my statement hilarious. "You! A friend of Gaea? How quaint. I would warn against such relations, child, as Gaea is known for betrayal."

I simply shake my head. "If I were to identify my friends based on the possibility that they may betray me, I would be alone, as any being with sentient thought can betray one another, and I have not heard both perspectives from what I sense from you. I find that statement false."

The dark being begins to growl at my statement, "Are you seeking to defend her child? What is this, some type of crush or seeking to look like the white knight saving the damsel in distress?"

I smile at this as I retort, "I already have enough women in my life. I would not be remiss, but I believe what we have is enough, and besides, she is the planet I live on, and you are the darkness no one wants to see."

The mindscape begins to tremble and quake as I stand firm. Tartarus then says ominous, "This is not over, Child of Light. All of this world will drown in the abyss."

He then disappears from the mindscape as I look to Gaea, who seems distraught, and as I approach her, she states shakingly, "Well, has your outlook on me changed, angel?"

I simply pick her up and look her in the eye. "Do not allow the comments of a dark being to build a wedge between us, Gaea, as I value our friendship, and it is not as if I have not made my own mistakes and I've made my own less than noble decisions."

I continue, "We all feel anger and lash out at what we view as unjust, and you did so, and while those actions may not have been right nor fair, we all deserve a second chance if we are willing to take it."

She then smiles and says, "You must say that to all the primordials you meet," I chuckle at this and say, "You did not see me say it to the primordial of Darkness nor the being that was here before, so I believe that statement is invalid."

Gaea then pouts as she says, "You're supposed to agree with me, dummy." I then put her down and said, "Well, I do not like to follow the script, so I apologize, but for now, let's talk and distract ourselves and what just occurred."

She nods in agreement as we begin to discuss the current events while she also congratulates me on becoming a god on the level of primordial even.

But my mind is slightly distracted by what Tartarus said, as it seems the alliance of hell may be coming much faster than it originally did.

But it does not matter, as my light will snuff out that darkness.

Those who refuse change or attempt to cohort with chaos will be eliminated. 
