
Night Attack

After plucking a handful of hairs from Scabbers, Luke tossed the rat over to Ron. He couldn't be sure if the compound potion could discern between Peter Pettigrew and a rat that had been transfigured. With that thought in mind, Luke's hand hesitated slightly as he clutched the hairs.

Recalling what he had read in the "Strong Potion" section of the forbidden library, he knew that compound potions struggled to successfully transform animal hairs. Moreover, this type of transformation was risky and could easily lead to unintended consequences, even turning the caster into a ghost.

No, safety was paramount. With determination, Luke dropped the rat's fur onto the floor. It seemed he would have to perform the hypnosis on Scabbers later, in the Gryffindor common room.

By using the Shaker's Illusion, he could easily manipulate Scabbers to revert to Peter Pettigrew's form. As Ron cuddled and kissed Scabbers, Luke couldn't help but shiver.

It was a pity that no one knew that this seemingly innocent rat was, in fact, Peter Pettigrew. Otherwise...

He shook his head, dismissing these thoughts, and quickly returned to the table to explain the remaining potion ingredients to Hermione. Luke's extensive reading covered not only Dark Magic but various other subjects such as astrology, potions, and biographies. His explanations helped Hermione, who had been grappling with confusion, gain a clearer understanding of the task.

Hermione couldn't help but be impressed by Luke's wealth of knowledge. She had been a regular visitor to the library, and even Mrs. Pince had come to admire Hermione's dedication and intellectual prowess. She hadn't seen such a diligent student in the library for years.

The last time she had such an encounter was with a Slytherin wizard named Tom Riddle.

After hours of dedication, with the aid of Madam Poppy Pomfrey's potions, Harry and Ron's injuries were finally treated enough for them to rest. Luke accompanied the two of them up to their respective dormitories.

Once they were out of sight, Luke retraced his steps to the Slytherin common room.

Flint, the captain, was in high spirits, celebrating their landslide victory against Ravenclaw in today's practice match.

Spotting Luke, Flint eagerly invited him to join the party. As the Seeker who had located the Snitch and ended the game prematurely, Luke was a major contributor to their victory, especially considering the loss of one of the Ravenclaw Seekers.

It was entirely in keeping with Flint's aggressive Quidditch style.

"Here, Butterbeer, from the Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade, at a great price!" one of the younger wizards proclaimed. While those under the third year were not allowed to drink, no one was particularly strict about enforcing that rule.

Luke accepted a mug of frothy Butterbeer and took a sip. The taste was peculiar, but not unpleasant. After a few simple toasts, he bid farewell to the increasingly pure-blooded company.

The night was approaching, and Luke had other matters to attend to.

In the silent corridor, an oil lamp cast a warm glow as Luke reached the painting of the fat lady on the eighth floor. The fat lady was already in the midst of a deep slumber, her snores audible even from her portrait.

Luke made a conscious effort not to disturb the portly guardian of the Gryffindor common room, who was half-heartedly watching the entrance.

As the pendulum scythe in the painting's eye started its rhythmic motion, the surrounding space began to spiral into the right eye, and Luke himself seemed to slip into a different dimension. With his fingertips lightly brushing the stone gate, it felt like he was a mere phantom, passing through without making contact. It was the first time he had ever utilized this ability.

He hadn't expected that he could actually pass through solid stone walls. It was a surreal experience.

Madam Fatty, as the fat lady was affectionately called, rubbed her tired eyes and glanced at the painting. To her, everything seemed entirely normal.

When Luke reopened his eyes, he found himself in Gryffindor's common room. The room exuded a warm ambiance with its pale red accents and furniture in various warm hues, a stark contrast to Slytherin's common room.

The fire was still flickering in the hearth. Luke recalled that Harry had mentioned his room number, and he had even memorized Hermione's room number.

Holding the oil lamp, Luke navigated his way to the boys' dormitories, eventually reaching Harry and Ronald's room.

With a flicker of his ability, he slipped through the blurred realm and stealthily entered the bedroom.

The oil lamp vanished from his hand as it was transferred to an alternate space. In the darkness, Luke whispered, "Peter Pettigrew."

Approaching Ron's window, he saw a rotund mouse peacefully napping beside Ron's pillow. Luke reached out and swiftly snatched the slumbering creature. In an instant, they both disappeared into an unfamiliar dimension.

When they reemerged, they were in the bathroom on the third floor. Luke gently placed the dozing mouse on the floor, but Peter Pettigrew remained undisturbed. His vigilance was astonishingly poor.

It appeared that after years in the Weasley family, Peter Pettigrew's alertness had dwindled significantly. Luke prodded him with his masked toe, saying, "Wake up, Peter Pettigrew!"

Still, there was no response.

"Here comes Sirius!"


At the mention of Sirius, Peter Pettigrew's eyes shot open. However, upon focusing on the mysterious figure before him, he was met with a pair of swirling red eyes. Before he could utter a word, Luke seized control of the entire mouse.

"Reverse your blasted Animagus transformation!" Luke issued the command.


As the rat's body began to convulse, within moments, a fully unclothed Peter Pettigrew materialized in his human form. He was short, grotesque in appearance, and most strikingly, his thin, greasy hair seemed to defy gravity.

"Over there, and wash that hair!" Luke couldn't hide his disgust and gestured toward the bathtub. He needed hair and other materials from the transformed person for the polyjuice potion, and the last thing he wanted was greasy hair contaminating the mix.

Peter Pettigrew obediently followed the order to wash his hair, and Luke carefully plucked a handful of hair. Peter winced in pain, tears forming in his eyes, not used to such treatment.

Worried that he might need more, Luke took a bit extra, just in case.

With the hair secured, Luke couldn't help but think of Professor Quirrell, the Hogwarts teacher, and the shadowy figure of Senior Tom lurking in the back of his mind.

"I'm Peter Pettigrew for now," he muttered, ready to delve into a world of deception and secrets.


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