
Chapter 3 the trial’s rewards

After the trail was over the young lad went to an area with a lake then light lit up the area this area was strange because the statues were all bugs of different sizes and kinds when they lit up the small lake a ghostly figure walked out of it and said congratulations to my chosen one for completing my trails and earning my inheritance I the great insect-mancer gorge the bug king grant you my power with this pool of knowledge it contains the form of all my knowledge in liquid form just bath in the spring to absorb my knowledge this knowledge will help you become an insect-mancer with the power of all bugs I've left behind a few treasures to help you one treasure is an insect pool that can rapidly grow up insects and arachnids to adolescence wile helping them gain the main knowledge they should have

The other is an item called the insect tablet it can increase the comprehension ability of insect type monsters there are others that I've obtained for you my successor I've also included the skills I've comprehend in my life which number in the thousands and a few of my insect eggs that were born from my own insects they are the

Scorpion princess

caterpillar princess

mite princess

spider princess

ant princess

Desert worm princess and last but not least Beetle princess

Each of these insect type monsters has different forms so here are some examples the old man said

Scorpion princess-> scorpion queen -> sky scorpion queen -> heavenly scorpion queen

Caterpillar princess-> illusion caterpillar princess -> dream caterpillar princess-> dream butterfly queen

Mite princess -> elemental mite princess-> elemental mite queen -> elemental law mite queen

Spider princess -> poison spider princess -> poison spider queen -> toxic spider queen

Ant princess-> silver ant princess-> silver dragon ant princess-> silver dragon ant queen

Desert worm princess -> vast desert worm princess-> desert guardian worm princess -> Anubis worm princess -> Anubis worm queen

Beetle princess -> desert beetle princess -> solar desert beetle princess -> sun desert beetle princess - Ra beetle princess -> Ra beetle queen

As an insect mage you will have the power to make contracts with insects at 1/2 the rate of a normal summoner and the other monsters will take twice the amount of spiritual energy this is of course good and bad the old man said there is also the fact that the power received from the contracts is twice as great from insects and 1/2 as great for other species

This is a place where you can contract many bug type beasts as there are more then 10000 of the bugs I've just given you a few to choose from the royal bugs are only a few but that does not mean there are not others to choose from

Each monster is but a poultry few so now you may choose from the monsters that are here inside my inheritance (the old man said).thanks but no thanks I'll leave for now (Johnny said)

As you wish you are the owner of this inheritance until you die and a new master appears the old man said

Until next time Jonny said

Then when Johnny left he saw his father and asked him what was he doing

His father said I was watching those trials for the inheritance grounds you just went through and I was impressed son

Johnny was surprised and asked his dad dad you could see me the hole time Johnny'a dad said the hole time only summoners who contracted an insect royal can see the trail ground and the inside of it from our house that's why I didn't want you to contract the honey bee princess because I thought you weren't ready yet but you proved me wrong good for you son you out did your old man in many ways for when I wanted to try the trial ground I only got one try just like you son every one only has one try in that trial ground

Johnny was astounded that his dad was ahead of on the info and question he wanted to ask him till the end of the conversation up until the very end of it it took took Johnny'a a moment to process him

Johnny was a good person and asked his dad what he should him Johnny's dad said that it does not matter the power of one but the power of the many that is why I choose to have a swarm the swarm is one that can be used in military formations and that it's just that powerful to increase there so the might of one is the might of the many

Then it hit him maybe he can strengthen his insects with there descendants then he began with the insects then the building of the swarm then the building of an army but insects can't reproduce either until they reach adulthood or until they evolve to become a queen but to become a queen mean moving on to the next grade from black to green that moves him to the next evolution and then from green to silver for the next one and so on until then

So I may as well collect a few eggs to hatch first so I can fill my roster and boost my chances of victory for the battles to come So I'll go and do just that Johnny thought

After going to the inheritance he took a look at the list and decided on the following monsters

Scorpion princess , caterpillar princess , mite princess , spider princess , ant princess , Desert worm princess , Beetle princess , Sea spider princess and Silk worm princess

So his lineup looks like this

(01)Honey bee princess

(02)Scorpion princess

(03)caterpillar princess

(04)mite princess

(05)spider princess

(06)ant princess

(07)Desert worm princess

(08)Beetle princess

(09)Sea spider princess

(10)Silk worm princess

Thats good team after all then I'll rase them for now better to have a royal team
