
Chapter 217: Where Did She Put Her Husband?

Joanna Lawrence felt that the bowl of sweet tea warmed her heart and sweetened it as well.

She hooked her lips into a sweet smile: "You want to know? Hmm...let me think."

Ashton Heath smiled and rubbed her head, took off his shoes, lay down on the bed, and with a long arm, pulled her into his arms.

He lowered his head and gently kissed the top of her hair: "Mm, take your time."

Joanna Lawrence recalled earnestly and narrated as she did so: "When I was sick, Jeremy would make me vegetable porridge. His porridge is really delicious."

Ashton Heath nodded: "Vegetable porridge? Noted. What else?"

"Besides, I like pomegranates, and Jeremy would peel pomegranates for me."

"Peel pomegranates? Mm, got it. What else?"

"Jeremy would also play games with me."

"Games?" Ashton Heath paused and raised an eyebrow, "...What games?"

He never played games.

This seemed a bit difficult for him.
