
Spider Tyrant

After the explosion, a dark figure gradually descended from the sky and landed beside Spider-Man.

The figure was Christopher, clad in an all-black spider suit, rendering him virtually invisible at high altitudes. No one else had witnessed his arrival.

Christopher lowered his head and whispered to Spider-Man, "Peter, don't call me by my name. I don't want Harry to recognize me."

"Then what should I call you?" Spider-Man inquired.

"Just call me Spider Tyrant!" Christopher declared.

"Okay! Christopher—Spider Tyrant, I'm running low on strength. You handle the Green Goblin," Spider-Man requested weakly.

"Leave it to me," Christopher responded eagerly, eager to test his new powers in combat.

The Green Goblin, arrogant and fearless, hovered above Christopher on his glider, sneering down at him, "Another spider seeking death."

"I think you're the one seeking death!" Christopher retorted.

Before the Green Goblin could react, Christopher's spider silk snaked around his neck, threatening to yank him from his glider.

Christopher's strength, amplified by the Spider-Man gene, was formidable. With a powerful tug, he dragged the Green Goblin downward.

"Green Goblin, your arrogance exceeds your abilities," Christopher taunted as the villain struggled.

Infuriated, the Green Goblin activated the glider's weapons, aiming them at Christopher.

Reacting swiftly, Christopher released the spider silk and leaped to avoid the glider's gunfire.

Seizing the opportunity, he ensnared the Green Goblin once more, forcing him to bow under the strain of the silk.

Despite the villain's resistance, Christopher's strength and agility proved too much to overcome.

"Damn Black Spider," cursed the Green Goblin in frustration. Christopher's speed and strength made him seemingly invincible, leaving the Green Goblin struggling to find a way to defeat him.

"I go by Spider Tyrant," Christopher declared with icy resolve.

"Spider Tyrant, I'll crush you like the insignificant insect you are!" the Green Goblin spat back, his anger fueling his manipulation of the glider as he launched an aggressive assault on Christopher.

Christopher released the spider silk, evading the assault once again. Swiftly, he shot two spider silks simultaneously with his left and right hands, ensnaring the Green Goblin once more.

"Die..." The Green Goblin roared in madness, humiliated and driven to the brink of insanity by Christopher's relentless attacks.

"Come down, madman," Christopher commanded, pulling with all his strength. The forceful tug yanked the Green Goblin out of the air.

As the Green Goblin landed, Christopher closed in. A powerful punch to the head, a forceful elbow to the neck, and a hard hit to the chest with his shoulder sent the Green Goblin flying.

However, before the Green Goblin could travel a meter, Christopher seized his wrist and twisted it back. Turning his back to the Green Goblin, Christopher grabbed his opponent's hand with both hands, executed a perfect over-the-shoulder throw, and slammed the Green Goblin onto the ground, shattering the pavement.

Temporarily incapacitated, the Green Goblin groaned in pain. Christopher raised his foot and stomped on the Green Goblin's chest, denting the resilient armor slightly.

Looking down at his defeated foe, Christopher calmly asked, "Do you still dare to laugh at me?"

The Green Goblin's armor, with its healing properties, mitigated the severity of the injuries. This respite allowed him to regain strength and intelligence. Smartly utilizing the glider controlled by the Green Goblin armor, he launched a counterattack.

As the glider unleashed its barrage of machine gun fire, Christopher remained composed, fully aware of the Green Goblin's predictable tactics. With swift precision, he deftly evaded the onslaught, demonstrating that he was not one to be fooled by cinematic tricks.

As the Green Goblin swiftly soared into the sky on his glider, his confidence seemed unwavering. Fearless and bold, he possessed not only formidable strength but also the cunning intelligence to outwit his adversaries.

Christopher, recognizing that brute force alone wouldn't suffice against such a formidable foe, relied on his ingenuity and resourcefulness. With a deft flick of his wrist, he shot a strand of spider silk that adhered to the Green Goblin's glider. With a swift pull, he propelled himself towards the airborne villain.

Caught off guard by Christopher's unexpected maneuver, the Green Goblin reacted swiftly, brandishing two flying knives in defense. One knife was aimed at Christopher, while the other sliced through the spider silk tethering him to the glider.

Aware of the danger posed by the poisoned blade, Christopher deftly intercepted it with a precise shot of spider silk, diverting its trajectory harmlessly away. Undeterred by the Green Goblin's attempt to sever his lifeline, Christopher unleashed another strand of spider silk, propelling himself upward once more.

As he neared the glider, Christopher was taken aback by the unexpected electric shocks emanating from the contraption. Momentarily stunned, he struggled to maintain his grip, his muscles twitching involuntarily.

Seizing the opportunity, the Green Goblin seized a poisoned flying knife, poised to strike at Christopher's vulnerable hand. With sheer determination, Christopher summoned all his strength, anchoring himself to the ground with a thread of spider silk and causing the glider to plummet, thwarting the Green Goblin's lethal blow.

As Christopher forcibly separated himself from the glider, he landed on the ground, his body wracked with pain. Cursing vehemently, he clenched his fists in frustration, vowing to retaliate against his tormentor.

Meanwhile, Spider-Man, having recovered from the skirmish, approached Christopher, offering his assistance. However, Christopher brushed him off, determined to confront the Green Goblin alone.

Undeterred by Christopher's refusal, Spider-Man watched in disbelief as Christopher boldly challenged the Green Goblin. With determination in his eyes, Christopher prepared to face his adversary head-on, unfazed by the villain's taunts.

In a daring move, the Green Goblin unleashed a small missile from his glider, initiating the next phase of their high-stakes confrontation.


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