
63. Fists

Tristan let out a soft sigh flicking off the blood that stained his sword. He had just cleared the second stage of the second level.

The class-2 beasts had responded to his presence like the class-1's did. Fear had been evident in the demeanor of those creatures, even if their tall figures were enough to intimidate the average individual.

The class-2 beasts had merely been stronger versions of the serpentine creatures. As such, they had been easy to take care of. Tristan hardly believed this was a test.

All he had to do was run around a bit and his sword would do the rest. Those creatures were not sturdy enough to take his blows unharmed.

The countdown for the third level began.

It would be a third-class creature, so he tried his best to not feel too confident. He took his position on the other side of the arena, this would leave a distance of roughly 40 meters from the metal bars on the other side.
