

The first thing Yu Qingyu did after returning to his chambers was taking a long, cold shower. He stood under the freezing cold stream until his body felt numb, and his skin started turning bluish. He probably would have stayed in the shower even longer, if it wasn't for the knocking on the door from the servant, reminding him that dinner was about to be served.

With a sigh, Yu Qingyu stepped out of the bathroom, shivering. He had goosebumps all over his body, but at least he managed to calm down a bit.

Still, the perspective of leaving the chambers and running into Liu Wei made his knees go weak. But no matter how tempting it was to pretend to be sick and hole up in his bedroom, he didn't want to draw any unwanted attention to himself. Wouldn't his sudden absence be suspicious when the Duke later found out that the letters were missing from his drawer? Well, the pampered second prince was unlikely to be the prime suspect, but still…
