
Chapter 455

Maybe it was not his heart that had a problem. Maybe he hit his head during the shootout because he did not make any sense.

Of course, she did not say anything to him. What could she say to his declaration? But she did think of something to respond eventually.

"Stop that." She was afraid that someone else might hear what he said. "I think you need to see a shrink." She concluded, seeing that he had gone insane.


She believed that was what he said. But, of course, she was not stupid enough to fall for that. That man did not know anything about love.

"Hey! Are you ok?" A man's voice interrupted her from her musing, snapping her back to the present as she faced the burning food before her.


What was she doing, daydreaming about him and his stupid jokes? Yeah, that was all it was. It was a game to him that she could not take seriously.
