
Chapter 348



What else would he call what he was doing as he sat behind the wheel of his car, staring at the close establishment that was still under renovation?

He remembered sitting in his meeting, unable to concentrate, counting the minutes, waiting for the last speaker to finish his speech.

"Ahhh!" So he could rush through the traffic and sit in his car, waiting.

For what?

For this!

"I must be going insane." That was the logical explanation as he stared at the transparent window, looking beyond the bright light until his eyes landed on the person he wanted to see.

"A witch!" He could only conclude that she had bewitched him because no matter what he did, he could not stop thinking about her.

But he believed he had a solution to his "Her" problem. He just had to get close to her. Then, once he learned more about her, his curiosity would eventually disappear.
