
Catching a glimse of Su Yen terror

The tidal waves of the Cao clan's extravagant purchases and the mysterious young master's involvement reverberated throughout the outer region of Baiyun City. 

A sense of unease hung thick in the air as the news spread like wildfire, each acquisition a ripple in the otherwise placid pond of the city.

Every notable building, regardless of its price or prestige, fell prey to the Cao clan's insatiable spending. 

It was as if the tempest had swept through the city, leaving a trail of purchased structures in its wake. 

The impact of their upheaval reached far and wide, capturing the attention of all who dwelled in the outer region.

This ripple effect didn't confine itself to the outer region alone; it seeped into the inner region of the city. 

As the sun dipped below the horizon and nightfall descended, a mysterious undercurrent surged through every nook and cranny, shrouded in the cover of darkness.
