
First Fight in a New World

Superwoman, "What the hell?" 


 Lex Luthor, "Where compromised!" 


 Iron Man, "What tipped you off?" 


 The group of Lex, Superman, Manhunter, Wonder Woman, Iron Man, Silverflash, Devilbat and Logan found themselves surrounded by a group of colorful unknowns. 


 Lex shouted out, "That's Owlman and Superwoman by the computer, they are the bosses." 


 Owlman's eyes narrowed, "I don't have time for this. I need that data." He looked at Superwoman, "Take them down!" 


 Superwoman grinned and flew into the group targeting the one she knew, the one who had escaped her so often. "LEEXXX!" 


 Without missing a beat, Lex raised his arm and fired his wrist laser in short bursts toward the charging woman. However, she dodged them all and tackled him through a wall. As soon as they stopped, Superwoman started unloading punches on Lex's armored chest. 


 Logan watched Superman head in their direction and then he started toward someone he remembered from his past life that could spell lots of trouble if he knew how to use his powers. In a purple and white outfit, a man started to elongate and stretch himself toward the group. 


 "Hey Flash, you ever play with a Stretch Armstrong? You take the top and I'll tie up the bottom." 


 "Don't call me Flash! It makes me feel like I'm headed to a preschool in a trench coat. If you want to quicken my name, call me Silver." 


 Then Silverflash was gone from Logan's sight. The only way to tell where he was, is if you listened to a stretchy rubber man screaming. Logan ran to the man's stationary legs and quickly tied them to a support on the wall, then looked around. 


 Logan was just in time to see Superman get punched across the room for underestimating Superwoman. With a look of irritation at himself for letting down his guard, he charged back at the woman and punched her through another wall and then stopped to check on Lex who was down. 


 Owlman and Devilbat were testing each other, neither committing to a close-up battle yet. 


 A black man shooting electricity from his hands was trying to keep J'onn at bay. 


 Wonder Woman was fighting what appeared to be a woman with a Kabuki mask in a short red outfit. The girl was expertly using a pair of Sai in her fighting style. 


 Approaching Wonder Woman from behind was a Black woman wearing animal furs. Logan got a very familiar feeling from her. His suspicions were confirmed when she made a physical change into a scarred-up Lioness. 


 Before the shape changer took more than a couple of steps, she was blindsided by a large green lion. Logan hit her and if she didn't see him with her own eyes, she would have thought she had been hit by a charging rhino. 


 Logan walked towards where she lay and placed his paw on her neck. When the girl in the shape of a lioness panted in fear, Logan got a rancid smell from her breath. It surprised and disgusted him so much that he stepped back in shock. She was a Maneater. 


 The woman took advantage of his shock and quickly made a change into a bear-like creature with two pointed horns. The same horns had been on the lioness, but Logan didn't pay much attention to them until now. 


 Out the corner of his eye, he saw Silverflash was still stretching his target around everything he could, even running past the occasional fight. 


 Iron Man was being chased by some rainbow-outfitted woman who was shooting blasts of energy at him. 


 Logan looked back at the bear in front of him and knew he could take her in his current form, but he decided to change into his gorilla form. With the strength increase he got from this form he simply picked the bear up and slammed her down to the ground and put a double hammer fist to her head, knocking her out. 


 When she returned to her human form, Logan was able to pick out the energy of The Red on a golden animal skull and a pair of gold horns on her forehead. He changed back to human and tore the gold skull from her clothing and removed the horn piercings on her forehead. 


 They felt identical to Vixen's bone necklace, so he assumed they were the source of her powers. He tried crushing them in his hands, but they only bent a little. Logan changed back to his gorilla form and used all his strength. He also poured some of The Red energy he pulled, and the gold items were finally crushed. He could no longer feel the connection to The Red with them. He brushed his hands clean of the remnants and turned back towards the fight. 


 Iron Man had just stuffed his opponent face-first halfway into a wall and took a minute to admire his work, or maybe her ass, she did look good in her skintight outfit. It was Tony, so who knew for sure. 


 Next Logan saw SIlverflash standing opposite a woman wearing a very tight, pink outfit. His eyes had a vague and unfocused look to them. 


 Logan picked up a piece of rubble and threw it at Silverflash, "Wake up stupid, she is using the Jedi mind trick on you." 


 "HEY, he's right!" Silverflash grabbed the cape she was wearing and shoved as much of it in her mouth as he could. He then plugged her nose. 


The woman's eyes widened as she suddenly struggled to breathe, much less talk. Her head was rocked forward when Wonder Woman knocked her out with a punch to the back of her head. 


 The next movement that caught Logan's eye was Superwoman and Superman grappling in midair. Superman pushed her back to create space and Superwoman tried to land a couple of telegraphed punches, but Superman evaded them and hit her with a powerful uppercut. The blow knocked her into and along the ceiling for more than three quarters of the room. When she landed on the floor, debris covered her completely. 


 Superman thought she would be out of the fight for a while, so he went looking for another opponent. 


 The fight between Devilbat and Owlman was still slow, each threw their long-distance weapons and tried to use different versions to take the other by surprise. 


 Logan ran over to check on Lex who was starting to show signs of waking up. Once he got to him, he helped the man to his feet. 


 Lex looked over and saw Superwoman crawling out of a pile of rubble and touching her earring. He knew backup was on its way now. He looked around and tried to gather his mind and figure a way out. 


 A woman in a gypsy outfit walked over and calmly placed her hand through Luthor's chest. Logan panicked for a split second before he realized she was phased. He quickly phased to the same frequency and pulled her arm out of Lex. He then rattled her brain with a left cross to her chin and watched her crumble. 


Lex shot her a couple of times to keep her down. Logan found it overkill but he couldn't blame the guy. 


 J'onn, Wonder Woman, and Iron Man joined Lex and Logan. Lex shouted out, "We need to retreat! Quick." 


 J'onn looked at him questioningly, "Why? We are winning." 


 "We are right now but Superwoman just called for backup. They can drown us in numbers and keep us here until the rest of the heavy hitters arrive." 


 Superman and Silverflash joined the group as Lex spoke. 


 Superman asked irritably, "Don't make us guess, what are we in for?" 


 "Superwoman's main men if I had to guess. They will be the first to arrive and each one is almost as strong as her. Some word of power gives them lightning power. That's my best guess, they all fly, are super strong, and have lightning emblems on their chest. I don't know much more about them. I run when I see them!" 


 Devilbat joined the group, "He is right, we are at a disadvantage the more we stay here." 


 Superman grunted in acknowledgement "Fine, follow me!" He then started flying through walls, ensuring they were big enough for everyone to get through. When Superman blasted through the last wall, he found that the base they had been on, was airborne. 


 Before he could warn anyone, he saw Silverflash running too fast to stop, and he barreled out the hole, then started to fall... Screaming. Superman was quick to catch him as the rest of the team flew out the hole he made. J'onn grabbed Devilbat with his telekinesis. 


 Everyone started flying together trying to figure out who was the slowest so they could maintain their speed, so no one got left behind. 


 Within minutes, there was a black jet chasing them along with Superwoman. 


 Coming from another direction was three men who darkened the clouds they flew through, lightning spilling out behind them. 


 "Crap, they got here too fast. This is bad." Luthor shouted out. 


 Wonder Woman paused and looked at the approaching trio, "You wish to play with the weather in the presence of the Mistress of STORM'S???" 
