
Pam's Gift

Pam walked up to Logan as he gave Winston the evil eye, "I should have called you and told you not to come. I am sorry."

Logan, "Well I can't exactly blame you; you did find the body of your boss and friend, I am sure I wasn't a priority at that point. I am just glad I got here and stopped that idiot from thinking he did you a favor. His kind of favors can only be repaid a couple ways, he probably would have pushed you far enough you would want to do something permanent about him. If he keeps it up, I will get some of that powder you used last night and hit him with it then throw him in the gorilla exhibit at the Gotham Zoo."

Pam laughed at that thought and then became somber again thinking how inappropriate it was to laugh at this time. Logan enfolded her into a hug, bringing her face to his chest, and asked, "Will you be all right? I know by the way you spoke of her that Luisa meant a lot to you."

Pam stiffened up as Logan hugged her, but she loosened up a little as he spoke. She thought at first, he was taking advantage of the moment, but he just ran his hand along her back in a comforting way and asked about her with real concern in his voice. How long had it been since someone showed true concern for her?

Logan continued as Pam didn't pull away, "I know this isn't the best of times, but I really wanted to give this to you as a gift." He let go of her then reached into his backpack and pulled out the glass ball about the size of a bowling ball with about a quarter of the bottom filled with seabed and a small plant floating in salt water visible. "I was in Atlantis a few days ago and a friend recommended this as a gift. I guess it is a common plant for those dating. If two people put their hands on it for a time, then when one person thinks of the other it will glow with a soft light. If either person goes a day without thinking of the other, then it will turn red and never change colors again." 

Pam took it and was amazed at it, staring and trying to connect to it through The Green. She placed Logan's hand on it while it was in both her hands and asked, "How long is it supposed to take to react?"

Logan, "I was just told a few moments. While we wait, let me explain about changing the water in the ball." He showed her the ins and outs of the ball just as it was explained to him. "I am sure you will be better at taking care of it than anyone else, after all, you will be able to communicate with it."

After about 4 minutes, the plant let out a soft green glow. Logan wondered if the color was specific to them or if that was just the natural color it glowed. He really should have asked for more details at the time Tula gave it to him. 

Pam, "This... This is an amazing gift, Logan. Never in all my time with the Green did I think to investigate the flora of the ocean's bottom. I can't believe you got me something I have never encountered before. I dare say you would have gotten lucky had you given this to me last night." 

Logan, "Well, in that case, I am glad I didn't give it to you last night then."

Pam was left shocked as he said this. She wanted to say so many things at the same time she just couldn't say anything at all.

Logan laughed when he saw the constipated look on her face, "When we sleep together for the first time Pamela, it will not be because of a gift I have given to you or out of some stupid feeling of responsibility. It will be because it is what you want to do just because you want to do it. If I jumped on you like an animal, then that is all you would ever be for me, just a tool to release my pleasure on. If you slept with me just because I gave you something material, then again that would mean we were just in a material relationship."

Logan cupped Pam's chin in his hand, "When I ravage you like the animal I am... It will be because that is all you want from me at that moment. When you give yourself to me, I will take it all and it will stay with me all the rest of my life. Some day we may move on from each other, but we will never regret the time we had together."

At that moment, Pam was so wet she wondered if he had used an aphrodisiac on her, forgetting for a moment that it was impossible as she was immune to all poisons. Her face was bright red, and she was biting her lower lip to the point of almost drawing blood as she stared into Logan's eyes. "You are one smooth talker Logan J'onzz. You are setting the bar for our second date awful high." 

"Enough with this unseemly display of emotions, they do not belong in this science lab. You two are treating this haloed ground like a hip-hop night club and I won't allow it." Dr. Grimley said with contempt in his voice. He was staring at the both of us from his wheelchair, his eyes furious and Logan thought he was somewhat jealous as well. 

 "Well, it looks like I have overstayed my welcome. Call me when you get off work and you can tell me about Luisa." Logan quickly bent down and gave her a quick kiss on the lips, just as Pam had done to him the night before. The shock in her eyes was well worth the risk he took. "I will talk to you later Pam."

Logan turned and walked out of the lab and handed his visitor's badge to Fred at the desk. He then left and returned to the Salvage yard. He checked in with Arnie to see if he needed any help in the shop and he said he was just fine. Logan went to his room and spent an hour cleaning the place up, he put all the remaining treasure into his Niffler pouch since he knew it wouldn't get lost there and then settled down to do some thinking. 

Logan picked up his phone and called Dick's number, to his surprise it was actually answered. The last few weeks they had been playing phone tag and just leaving messages for each other. "What's up, Logan?" "Hey Dick, can you do me a favor and get me all the information on the Wayne Botanical Garden? I understand the Wayne Foundation just gave them a large donation so I figured you would have copies of everything. I need schematics as well though. I have a friend working there and someone died under weird conditions last night and I want to be ready if she asks for my help." 

"She hu!" I could hear Dicks amusement through the phone.

"Ha ah, is that really all you took from that request?" Logan asked.

"OK, give me an hour. Well actually, will you be home tonight? I can drop it off and then I have something I think I need your help with." Dick asked.

"Oh, I didn't know you were in town, or I would have just come over. Sure, stop by any time." Logan told him.

"OK, I will be there around 9. We can go on patrol and talk over what's been going on the last few weeks. See you then." Dick hung up shortly after that.

Logan decided that with 9 hours to waste he would go to the Watchtower and see if J'onn was back from his mission yet, if not he would water his plants and then see who was on duty today. He walked to the Zeta Tube here in the salvage yard and activated it. "Recognized, Logan J'onzz. Limited access granted. Do not stray from the green and yellow zones." When he stepped through the portal, he walked into the control room and saw Black Canary was on monitor duty. 

Logan waved and said, "Hey Canary. Hope you are having a boring day."

Black Canary, "Thankfully yes. It has been very quiet. What brings you up today?"

"I was looking to see if J'onn had come back yet and if not, I wanted to water his plants. But I am also glad I caught you, I could use your support on something." Logan said.

"How can I help you?" Canary asked.

"Well, I breached this subject with M'gann, I am sure you know of her difficulties with Connor recently and she asked me about ways she could cope with the separation. I told her I thought with her personality that volunteering in shelters and soup kitchens would be good for her. I also told her that maybe looking into some schooling as a psychologist would be a good thing. The mental abilities Martians possess would be great in that field, especially for children." Logan explained.

Canary, "I sense there is more to it than you are telling me. Out with it Logan."

"I also think it would be helpful for her to start overcoming some of her childhood trauma as a White Martian on Mars. I don't think she sees how much it is holding her back in her life and her powers. I have shared my mind with her mind a time or two, and I see things there that she is either actively avoiding or she is too dense to see yet. But if not dealt with, they could cause trouble for everyone she loves and cares for." 

Canary, "That is actually a very good idea, give her the knowledge and let her discover herself that way. Her abilities would truly be great for children or others who can't communicate. But I have to say she will need to do some growing up as well. I think I will invite her on a few missions and see if I agree with your assessments before sticking my opinions in there. Thanks, Logan, this could do some real good without violence for a change." 
