
Training Day

I texted Pam to let her know I was back in town and would be ready for our date. She must have been busy because all she texted back was [Kk]. I then walked out into the yard and looked for some lead to make a box out of and found plenty for my purposes. Taking the box back to my room I decided now was the time to deal with the Kryptonite I took from Metallo. 

 This is all assuming that it didn't disappear by me changing out of my Niffler form with it still in my pouch. Once I made the change I reached into my pouch and found the Kryptonite with no issues. After pulling it out I put it in the lead box and changed back to my normal form. This would turn out to be super handy if I was able to make partial changes. I would think a simple cosmetic change wouldn't be too rough but adding the magic of the Niffler pouch to my human form would be very tricky. 

 If I could do that with ease, then why couldn't I simply add the Kryptonian's cells to absorb sunlight. Though that would mean changing from my Martian cells, I would be losing power in my opinion. Changing back into my Niffler form I put the led box back into my pouch and once again return to my natural green form. 

 My next little experiment will be something I thought of on the little mission with Devil Girl. What happens if I open myself to The Red but don't change into anything? I sat down in my mediative pose and opened myself to The Red with no animal picture in my head. I felt like I was going to burst within seconds, there was no holding what I had pulled in. I quickly thought of a Gorilla and forced the energy from The Red into that image. Once I made the change, I lay on the ground just panting in pain and watched my muscles twitch in random spasms. 

 After I felt a bit better, I changed back to my form and got up and did a stretching routine. I should probably start with a lot smaller amount of The Red, pulling in so much is kind of a reflex now. Ok, let's stop going off half assed Logan, what do you want to do with the little bit of Red once you pull it in? The energy I pull in from The Red to change shape is used in the change processes. But what if I move it to my heart and let it dissolve into my blood stream? Could I give myself another form of energy in my body? 

 So long as I keep training my body in the way J'onn recommended I will increase my strength continuously. But if I can harness The Red as another potential source of strength, I would grow much faster. It also means that if one source gets shut off, I still have the other. After bringing M'gann to my inner world my strength had massively increased again even without considering adding my new telekinesis to it. From my understanding, the Martian telekinesis was mentally limited to our body strength. J'onn had to break it down to me that I would only be able to lift with my mind what I could with my body. I wondered if this was also a mental limit placed by the Guardians, like fire being their weakness. Because if it was then it could be just like fire doesn't affect me my mind could lift more as well, something to investigate.  

 OK, now that I have rested enough, let's try this again. This time I only open myself up to The Red for a split second. The energy of The Red just sat in my abdomen and floated there, like it was waiting for instructions. This also provided me with thoughts I had never considered before, like where does The Red enter my body. Should I treat it like Chi in all the cultivation stories I have read? 

 Realizing how bad it could be to introduce this energy to a vital organ in my body I decided to wait and simply watch what it did and after some time it dispersed into my body with no noticeable effects. Maybe I should get with the Doc on the watchtower or maybe even Dr. Strange Fate if I got the opportunity. 

 Next on my list would naturally be getting used to flying with my Telekinesis, I have already practiced a lot with using it to help reduce my weight on surface contact. The first few times were very weird, I would make a little hop and then grab ahold of myself with my mind and pull myself in the direction I wanted to travel. The weird part was my body waiting to land after my initial hop. All my life when I jump, shortly after I land. But now it wasn't happening, so it took a little time to adjust my thinking. Trying to fly while my mind was waiting for my feet to hit the ground was a bit disturbing. 

 While getting used to flying I decided to incorporate phasing through objects into the mix. It wasn't as easy as I first thought. It was easy enough to figure out how to phase through steal, but chrome was slightly off from that, so I had to find a phase frequency that worked on both, then again for glass and other compounds. I could really use some pointers from J'onn or M'gann but both were busy at the moment, so I was on my own. 

 I decided I would fly to the Knightsdome Arena and test my strength there with the exorcise equipment. I flew there very quickly and just phased through the ground, but I overshot the cave that has all the equipment. I end up in a system of caves that are half filled with sand and think to myself about how few people would go to the stadium if they knew just how deep the fall was under the stadium floor. After a short exploratory flight, I land in the cave I'm looking for. 

 Before heading to Atlantis, I was lifting a max of 5,200lbs so I started at 3 tons, and it didn't give me any resistance. I moved it to 6 tons and still didn't really feel anything. 8 tons made me break out into a light sweat, so again I added 2 tons and found it just about perfect for a ladder workout weight. Stepping away for about 30 minutes I bumped the weight to 11 tons and managed to get a solid 10 rep single in, so I again rested for a time and then went to 12 tons. Not quite 26,500lbs turned out to be my max lift at the moment without my telekinesis aiding my strength. The best thing about my telekinesis was I could use it to restrain myself from hurting anyone accidentally. Well let's face it, there are a lot of best things about my telekinesis, it's a very versatile power. If it naturally increased along with my strength, it was a cheat to multiply my strength X 2 anytime, I wanted it to. Since I was here, I decided to go through a full workout and let my mind wander to the upcoming date with Pam. 

 I defiantly didn't want to wear anything formal, but going too casual would be a no no also. I got the gift from Atlantis and instructions to care for it from Tula so at least that's taken care of. I am still debating on whether to go with my natural green skin or shape change to regular color. I don't really care, but it would suck to run into some idiot that decided I was a mutant that they needed to bash. That would end the date quickly and I didn't want that. 

 I should probably pre purchase the tickets tomorrow during the day, not that I think there will be a line for them I just want to avoid any mishaps. I tried to not think about all the different personalities of the comic version of Poison Ivy, but I would be lying if I said I hadn't thought about the manipulative side she seemed to always have. If this Pam turned out to be half of that drama, I was going to be looking for a bathroom to fly out of quickly. 

 After my workout I decided to change into my owl form and fly around the bar and club scene and pay particular attention to what the guys were wearing on dates just to get some ideas. My Martian shape change powers were finely up to making any cloths I wanted so that would save a ton on clothes shopping. Flying with telekinesis was faster than by wing but for pleasure I found birds to be the best. After spending a couple hours just floating in the night air I decided to call it an early night and headed home.
