
Mister Twister

"Nine hundred and ninety nine, a thousand, great we're done," Robin said as he stood up from Hunter's back and Hunter who was in his pants only rolled over the floor staining it with his sweat

"Are the spike needed" Hunter asked

A simple thousand push up wouldn't have been a problem for him but there were spikes placed under him, he can't go too low or he's going to get stabbed and Robin was sitting on his back in a lotus position with weights in his arms making his weight heavier

"Ask Batman not me" Robin said "That old man will always stay mute" Hunter replied with a frown "At least he comes for your combat training in person and doesn't give you a robot to practice with," Robin said

"You think I don't know the pathetic man is trying to find my weakness," Hunter snickered

"Well, I can't deny it, but you have to give him little respect because although he's unbearable, he has sacrificed countless things for the safety of this planet," Robin said putting his hands in his hood pockets "I know it and that's the reason he has to trust us that are willing to work with him to protect this world, and a word of advice he should stop looking for my weakness because I don't have one" Hunter said before he went to his room. After taking a cold shower to relax his muscles he went to the kitchen and met Megan in there. "What's for lunch today Megan" Hunter asked "Grilled sea fish and drizzled with lemon and oil dressing" Megan said happily "Do you practice how to cook Greek food?" Hunter asked surprised "Yes since you're part Greek, I thought I should cook Greek food for you after all, you're the only one who helps me in the kitchen not like a certain stupid brute" Megan said while looking at Connor at the end of her sentence "Wait who taught you how to insult others" Hunter asked surprised because from what he remembered Megan didn't insult people in the movie "Well Wally visited a lot to give you somethings we know nothing of while also passing his behavior to her" Robin said entering the kitchen "Well it looks like I'll have to talk with him" Hunter said and Robin nodded "We can't have him corrupt the only innocent among us" Robin said and when he was done talking the Zeta tubes announced the arrival of Aqualad and Wally

"Speaking of the devil" Hunter said

"Hey guys" Wally greeted cheerfully

"Hey Wally" They all greeted

"Hello friends" Aqualad greeted and they replied with an Hello "So guys I'm here because I have a plan" Wally said

"And what plan might that be" Hunter asked

"We ask Red Tornado for a mission, it has been weeks since our team had been created and we haven't been given a single mission so how about we ask since it's clear that they don't want to give us a mission willingly" Wally said "Well do whatever you want but as for me, I just wanna relax" Hunter said before he went to the living room of the base and brought out his Laptop which he kept on the living room and he turned it on to watch some movies but he suddenly remembered something "I need snacks" he said before going to the kitchen to get some before he moved to the living room and began to watch his movie and while later Wally came and sat down beside him

"You got any mission" Hunter asked "No we didn't" Wally said angrily before he ate part of Hunter's chips "I told you so and also gou know that's mine right" Hunter said to Wally with a deadpan expression "I know, what are you doing by the way" Wally asked "That's a very foolish question, you could see me watching a movie and you are asking me what I am doing" Hunter said "Oh I have an idea, how about we all go check out the movies together" Megan asked and Hunter looked behind the couch where he was sitting and found the rest of his team there

"I guess that is a good idea but can't you just join me in watching the one I'm watching presently" Hunter asked "We can't I want to see the cinema" Megan said

"I'll pass on that" Wally said "Me too" Robin said "I think we should stay here Megan" Aqualad said "How about we make a deal, I take you guys on a tour,show you my bio- ship and you will follow me to the cinema to check the movies" Megan said "You mean like an alien ship" Robin asked "Yes" Megan answered "Then I accept your deal" Robin said

"I am coming with you" Wally said getting up from his sit "Fine I follow too" Hunter said with a sigh before getting up from his sit while Aqualad simply just joined the crowd and Megan happily took them on a tour round the base and they met Connor in the library and Megan dragged him along too. On getting to the hanger a Red round ball came rolling towards them "And this is my bioship" Megan said referring to the round ball "Yeah and we are supposed to ride that" Wally said with sacarsm evident in his tone "No idiot, it asleep. Let me wake it" Megan said placing her hand on top of the ball before closing her eyes and the ball slowly took the shape of a ship and stairs came out of the back landing in front of them "So anyone wants to go for a ride" Megan asked "You don't even need to ask" Robin said and he started climbing the stairs "Well I've got nothing doing" Hunter said and entered while Superboy and Aqualad followed him "What of you Wally" Robin asked

and got no reply

"Is our speedster silent now" Hunter said before turning back with the plan of taunting Wally but he found out that only Superboy and Aqualad was behind him

"Where is Wally" Hunter asked "I think you shouldn't worry about him" said Robin on getting inside the ship with Hunter, Aqualad and Superboy behind him and they found Wally already in the ship eating chips he got for God knows where "Oh you are here slow pokes" Wally said "Shut up" Hunter said before they all took a sit and their sit belts strapped itself on "This is so cool" Robin said

while Megan was in control of the ship

"Red Tornado open bay door" Megan said and the door was opened and the ship took of into the air "So can you pass through walls like your uncle" Wally asked "No, it requires a large amount of skills to do it and well I'm just learning how to use my powers but I can do this" Megan said and the ship went into camouflage mode "Cool" Wally said and right then Red Tornado voice sounded from the ship communication link "Red Tornado to Miss Martian there had been any emergency report at Happy Harbour power plant, I suggest you investigate covertly, I am sending you the coordinates" He said "Coordinates received, changing course" Megan said before tilting to the right "So tornado is keeping us busy again" Robin scoffed "I don't think so, if a single fire lead you to Superboy and Hunter we could find something interesting in an emergency alert" Megan said

while Hunter remained silent while thinking

<So it's time for Mister Twister appearance already> while looking at the Tornado which appeared
