
The Wild West

Had Xu Feng tried to make it to Xu Zeng's agricultural school turned base alone, he wasn't sure he would have made it out of Aran Base before the zombie tide hit.

The odds hadn't been in his favor, and he knew it. Yujie, for all her wildness, was the reason they were making any progress at all. Despite her chaotic driving, she had the instincts of a seasoned survivor.

The day they escaped Ling Ling's clutches, she had made a beeline for the base-managed trading area, telling Xu Feng to handle his business quickly.

He had done just that.

No careful plotting this time—just a mad scramble to gather as many crystal nuclei as possible. Gasoline had been the most expensive commodity, more valuable than even food. Xu Feng had seen the way Yujie's eyes kept darting to it on the barter list, knowing that every liter of gas was worth its weight in gold.
