

Bai Mo couldn't quite find his words. He couldn't fully express what Xu Zeng's gaze was doing to him. The man…the ger, was very handsome in a manly way which wasn't or at least it shouldn't have been attractive to him.


But it was attractive. SO HOT, as Xu Feng would say. At least for Bai Mo, Xu Zeng was very attractive in both forms, male and ger.


He had noticed his friend's brother only after they'd met a handful of times. Why not immediately? Because he was consumed by his grief of missing his final moments with his best friend.


He was too occupied with this grief to do or feel more for anything or anyone. As he begrudgingly made the choice to support those who were grieving even more fiercely than him—Xuan Jian and Xuan Yang—his vision became less cloudy.

