
Home at Last

Warm. Cool.


Cold. Hot.


Cool. Warm.


Xu Feng's playful antics continued as he reveled in the luxurious comfort of the king sized bed. The two pads, one radiating warmth and the other offering a cool relief, watched with amusement as their energetic lover shifted from one side to the other. It was a dance of contrasts, a symphony of temperatures, and Xu Feng was the conductor of this unique orchestra.


As he rolled from the warm side to the cool one, his silvery hair tousled and his eyes half lidded, Xu Feng looked like a mischievous sprite caught in the throes of joy. The room was shrouded in darkness and the peaceful atmosphere made his playful antics all the more entertaining with their keen sights.


Warm. Cool.


Cold. Hot.


Cool. Warm.

