
Chapter Two Hundred And Twenty-One: He's Dead.

Everyone was walking in tiny circles around him, they were acting like he's a child who's going to break, having found out the last present his mother gave him, before ruining not just his life but her life too, and Diego didn't like that.

He was scared.

He was scared of his grandfather, his father..no, his non biological father and his aunt made his anxiety rise the more, with every second that passed with her checking up on him, as if he might do something stupid like commiting suicide.

Although, at this point he didn't consider the option a stupid one, since he didn't know when his grandfather would chase him out of the house to the street where he belonged. Not only did he have nothing, he also didn't know the identity of his real father, but nevertheless he already knew what sort of person he might be, for his mother to commit such an act.
