
Chapter Two Hundred And Seventeen: Cairo Is A Dead Man!

Alina let out a relieved sigh after watching her mother finally go to bed, it was really hard to watch the once strong woman, go back to being detached from herself, and from everyone after what fake Aubrey has done, not just to her but to everyone.

She knew that there was no use blaming her father, since the mistake had been made but she couldn't have imagined that her father, would be so easily fooled by the likes of that beggar who claimed to be her sister. He could have conducted a dNA test and save not just her mother, but everyone the stress right now. 

But coming to think of it, it wasn't just her father who was fooled. So, she couldn't entirely blame him for what he had done, because she didn't see anything that she could use to believe that Lilian wasn't Aubrey Petrov, just like Vladmir too.
