

"You are not God, you know. You could be wrong." Erasmi Frost let out a slow, measured sigh, looking at his son's face through the screen with a mixture of irritation and concern as he stared back stubbornly. "And sometimes, Cai, we are wrong. I was wrong about your birth mother, wasn't I?"

Cai's jaw tightened, and he folded his arms, his gaze steady and challenging even though he ignored the jibe. "Well, maybe, but we'll never know for sure, will we? She was dead before you could ever really know her long term. Besides, I'd like to think I'm a better judge of character. People aren't as hard to read as you are trying to make them out to be."

Erasmi raised an eyebrow, a flash of amusement mingling with exasperation. "Is this supposed to be some late-blooming rebellion hitting you in your mid-twenties? A sudden enlightenment that you know better than your father?"
