
Gabe 's Vow

Gabe rushed out of the house, a far look from his usual meticulous self, his usually composed demeanor shattered by the weight of guilt and uncertainty that clung to him.

For the last few days, he'd been eaten by all kinds of guilt, haunted by doubts that gnawed at the edges of his consciousness. The nagging question persisted: had he made an irreversible mistake?

Despite all the regret and unanswered questions, he'd come to one conclusion. Any time that he had spent with Arabelle, any hope for a peaceful future were now in the past. Their journey together had come to an end. Even if she was still the girl that he'd spent the last year with, and loved all his life, he could not hold her there. And if the last year had been an act on her behalf, then... his eyes hardened ruthlessly. 
