
A Surprise

Demetri walked out of the shower to find his wife missing from the bed and the aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air. Walking outside, he smiled as he watched his wife sitting on the kitchen countertop with an apple in her hand. 

"Where did the sunrise today? My kitten is having starting the day without a sugar rush?"

Nora grinned and shrugged as she bit into the apple in her hand and leaned back," I wanted to surprise you. So surprise. Have the coffee and tell me if I've made it according to your taste.."

Demetri walked towards her as he threw the towel aside and quickly tapped her nose," You look like Eve tempting Adam to sin with that apple..."

Nora laughed and with a flourish, took another bite, letting the sweetness linger on her lips, her gaze never leaving Demetri's. She watched as his eyes heated up and raised her brows to him challengingly.
