
The Will(2)

The attorney smiled at the brothers and pushed his glasses upwards. When Elijah Frost had dictated these words to him, he'd been amazed at what the man wanted to write. A rich tycoon like himself should be writing about his treasures but he was reminiscing and said nary a word about the vast Frost business.

He'd expected to see impatient faces, asking him to get on with the sentimentality and to business. For the first time, in his career, it made him happy to be reading a will. It was... warm to watch.

Clearing his throat, he continued, "I know you think I am going to talk about business now, but you all are wrong. I have a few more people to address, so you boys can sit back or just standing around and listen. But for god's sake, Ian, leave my porcelain dolls alone. I've already bequeathed them to you."

Ian straightened and quickly put back the little dog he was fidgeting with causing the others to give a low chuckle. 
