
64. Cristmas wonders

" So where are we really going for this vacation?" Morgan asked just before they were going to go.

Ela, Morgana, Perenelle, Lily, Pandora, Bellatrix, Narcissa, Luna, Fleur, Apolline, Elizabeth, Amelia, Marlene, Alice, Augusta, Rowena and Helena were all there. Ginny wanted to come but she needed to be at home and couldn't come unfortunately.

Penelope, her mom and Pansy had also started living with them and were going to celebrate the Cristmas with the kids while being trained by Bree.

" Ela, Madeleine has also invited us for the party on cristmas night..." Apolline said wanting to know how long they were going to be away.

" Nymphadora has also invited us for cristmas eve to her home. Apparantly, Andy and her husband want to meet us and thank us personally for taking care of their daughter.." Narcissa said with a complicated smile on her face.

" Don't worry about anything for now. I'm going to take you to witness the wonders of this planet..." Ela smirked and created a bubble that enveloped the whole group.

Before anyone could comment, the bubble was directly teleported to somewhere dark, alarming everyone.

" Where are we?" " Are we underwater?" " Why is it so dark?" They started questioning together.

" Shhh.. No questions.. Just look and listen around as I explain things.." Ela said and everyone suddenly felt they could see everything clearly and were truly shocked at what they were seeing.

" We are at the very bottom of the Mariana Trench.. Oceans have always been a mystry to humans because of them.." Ela said pointing towards the weird looking creatures and the whole underwater city.

" What are they?" Luna asked.

" Nagas. Many religions talk about them and even worship them. Some even say that it was them who taught humans.

Nagas has been living in the world way before humans developed. They are highly intelligent beings who used to rule the lands too but later settled underwater not wanting to associate with stupid and violent humans." Everyone looked at the man with two snake heads and somewhat human lower body.

" You are saying that these are the ones who are actually stopping us from exploring the Oceans?" Perenelle asked.

" Indeed it is them. They were also the ones who helped the founders of Atlantis but later those Atlantians became more and more greedy so Nagas destroyed them completely.."

" But why did Merlin not target them then? He had the backing of Dark God afterall.. " Morgana asked.

" Merlin didn't have the capability of challanging them. His Dementors or dark magic was not enough to defeat them.

Nagas are spread all around the oceans, at depths where humans never reached and if reached then never returned. There are Nagas who are at the Crystallized state and also have pure magic and light magic. One of the Nagas, the oldest, wisest and the most powerful is at the very peak of Crystallized state with pure magic. He is the oldest meaning he has been alive for more than 100, 000 years. He is called the Sheshnaag.

Merlin wanted all your knowledge to reach greater heights and then attack the Nagas." Ela explained making everyone look at those nagas in awe and wonder.

After they had looked around the area and had also seen the gigantic Sheshnaag, Ela teleported the bubble to the very top of mt. Everest. Like this she took them to many places like the Barmuda triangle, dark side of the moon etc.

Wherever they went, they spent a lot of time there and took many photos. The ladies also developed some kinks and made it their mission to have sex in all those impossible places. It was as fun as it was tempting for Ela and she made sure to fulfill all her wives' fantasies.

Rowena and Helana couldn't see or hear anything because of the walls that Ela made inside the bubble before every sex but just their imaginations were driving them crazy at that point.

Ela also didn't have any inhibitions about doing it with Luna as she had already given Luna a new body just like her other wives and Luna herself had experienced living a very long life. She even did it with Luna and Pandora together..

They had gone back home just for the Cristmas day as they had many invitations that day and they didn't want to just send their clones for it when the one inviting them had genuine intentions.
