

Ela started spending her time for the betterment of the wizarding world. She knew that the future can only be saved if Hogwarts is properly managed. Being the oldest magical school all around the globe, Hogwarts influence on the wizarding world can not be underestimated.

Ela did not forget her promise to madam Hooch. Madam Hooch indeed got the funds to repair the old brooms from Dumbledore as he did not want to give Ela a reason to audit Hogwarts' financial account.

Taking the money from madam Hooch, Ela had promised her that she would be there with repaired brooms for the first flying lessons. Interestingly, all the first year had their flying lessons together at the same time.

Dumbledore really did not want to let Harry learn proper magic. Hogwarts had reported about Draco being controlled by Dumbledore to fight with harry during their flying lessons.

As promised, Ela went to the first flying lesson of this year fir broom as good as new. She made the brooms more secure but also much better than original.

At first, all she was going to do was to make the broom new by using time magic but a request from all the kids made her change her decision.

One day, Harry and others came to her office with Luna leading them. They are bored while in Hogwarts. They do the studying while in the realm so some of them wanted to be the part of Hufflepuff quidditch team. Ela already knew their purpose and agreed to it.

Draco picked a fight with them and Ela had to say Harry and others thrashed all the other houses together. From that day Hufflepuff had 2 teams. 1 normal and the new one is called as special squad.

The days after that went by usual and it was already helloween. The whole castle is decorated fancifully. The months has changed Hogwarts for the better. Students are improving rapidly and the teachers are also very enthusiastic about their duties. Ela's name is now one of the household name all over Britain due to her works.

Many liked the changes and many also hate her to the bone. Dumbledore, snape, Flitwick and death eater being the party that hated her the most. But they too cant complain about it as the quality of education she is providing to their children is the best in the world.

Dumbledore and snape has also been very quiet during this period of time. Ela's policy and her presence made people realise their flaws and the student body is also not that revenant towards them, well all except his brain dead followers and fans.

Kali is also continuously on the move to eliminate all of Dumbledore's power base from around the world. Many countries had to conduct elections as many of the ministers were on her list of people to be killed. It indeed weakened the ministry but it is a necessary process.

Kali is also wanted and feared all around the world. She single handedly massacred many powerful vampire factions making the world aware that she is magically even more powerful than Grindelwald and Voldemort. In the process Dumbledore indeed escaped from being thrown out from ICW as people think he can save them from Kali. But Ela had a plan for this too.

Overall everything is going the way as it should be. Moreover Ela is also enjoying the respect and awe the majority of Hogwarts is giving her and her wives.

Everyone was busy enjoying the feast and some people noticed that even Dumbledore , Snape and Flitwick seemed to be enjoying themselves.

Well Ela already knew their plan and has a counter plan that will only serve to boost her reputation more.

Just then Professor Quirrell came sprinting into the hall, his turban askew and terror on his face. Everyone stared as he reached the center of the great hall, right in front of Dumbledore's table, in the middle of Ravenclaw and Gryffindor house table, and gasped, "Troll — in the dungeons — thought you ought to know." He then sank to the floor in a dead faint.

There was an uproar. It took several purple firecrackers exploding from the end of Professor Dumbledore's wand to bring silence.

"Prefects," he rumbled, "lead your Houses back to the dormitories immediately!"

Ela got up and said in an even tone " Everyone stop where you are and be seated at your house table! " Her voice miraculously reaching everyone causing them to subconsciously follow her words.

"Dumbledore, I really think you are loosing your sanity these days. He said troll in the dungeon and both Slytherin and Hufflepuff have their dormitories in the dungeons. Moreover we do not know if there are any other danger anywhere in the castle, this could very well be a trap. Now go sit in the corner and dont be a bother." Aulis scolded him angrily.

Without giving him any chance to speak, Marlene looked towards the staff members, "Teachers, spread around the great hall amd secure every entrance. I want you to be able to hold the enemy for some minutes if they enter here. Dont allow anyone to come and leave this hall without my permission."

"I immediately want to know the location of any and all the intruders along with their numbers. Also lookout for any student or teacher and Bring them here or assist them in fleeing from dangers.Remember the safety of our people is the most important thing. " Aulis ordered the house elves and the magical paintings.

Marlene addressed the student body, "Students please pay attention. I want you all to look around you and see if you find any student missing. Tell me immediately if you notice their absence and know where we can find them."

Looking at the aurors dealing with everything calmly and systematicly, students also recovered from fear and nervousness. It only made them see the difference between Dumbledore's management and Ela's management.

Just then people started appearing in the great hall along with several house elves.

"Madam Emby, I'm lolla, Hogwarts head elf. All the people have been rescued and everyone is safe but there are 20 of those trolls all around the castle and 7 of them are heading this way." Before Lolla could continue the entrance guarded by Flitwick was swarmed by 7 ugly looking trolls.

Flitwick pretended to be hit and got to one side allowing them free passages. "If only you have followed my suggestion and sent students to their dormitories, their lives would not be at risk." Dumbledore sighed loudly and took out his wand.

"Sit down and dont make trouble here. If all the teachers together cant deal with them then what would have happened if 2-3 crossed path with students. My aurors are enough to take care of every troll in this castle. Just stay put and don't interfere in auror's work."

Dumbledore looked as if he wanted to laugh at Ela's words. He was sure that these little girls cant handle 2 trolls let alone 20. Ela didn't say anything and just pointed towards the incoming enemies.

Aulis and Marlene both had their wands in their hand and a impassive look on their faces. Aulis waved her wand and the broken metal door seemed to come alive. It quickly took a form of thick barbed burning wire and bound all the trolls from down their necks.

Marlene then waved her wands causing a burnt cut to appear on every troll's neck. Those who understood what happened, gasped in shock at the display of power. What Aulis did was already absurd as the gates of Hogwarts have runes to stop being affected by magic but what Marlene did just blew their mind.

With a wave of her wand, she cut the trolls nect with burning sword like magic causing their heads to be seperated but stay in its place and not bleed as her magic kind of welded their heads to their bodies.

Aulis and Marlene again waved their hands causing the wires to change back to doors and reattach itself and the trolled bodies to be vanished in Marlene's space pouch.

There was not even a drop of blood on the ground. If they have not seen it with their own eyes and the unpleasant smell in the air, people would have never believed it.

Ela waved her hand to vanish the smell and fill the air with a calming scented air. "Well done aurors. Now go and please get rid of other enemies." Ela said addressing Aulis and Marlene while also applauding their actions which causeed everyone to come out of daze and they joined Ela with thunderous applause and grateful thanks.

Ela will never forget the look on Dumbledore's face. He was pale with fright. Aulis and Marlene seems have left deep fear in his heart.
