

<Ela's POV>

seeing as everyone has sat, I slightly altered madam malkin's memory such that she would think we have already completed our conversation without noticing any time difference.

"Alright everyone, Dumbledore is here. We can not let him take Harry away. Harry, Dumbledore might have some ulterior motives towards you, but you dont have to worry I will keep you safe." I said noticing Dumbledore appearing with his phoenix.

" We also need to go the place where Harry has been living to make solid evidences."

Just then entered Dumbledore using flame travel.

"Minister Fudge, Madam Amberheart, Madam Bones, What you are doing here is illegal. I am Harry's magical guardian, so before any questioning my presence is mandatory."

" Mr. Dumbledore, we were not conducting any interrogation here. We were simply chatting with 'Mr.' Potter here while saving him from being mobbed by the masses."

"If that is so then why is Hagrid arrasted when he tried to take Harry? "

"We thaught you being Mr. potter's magical guardian would naturally come to take him. So Hagrid was with Mr. potter on your order?

" This is not the point here, I am taking him with me now that I am here."

"yes yes.. it obviously is not the point here. It's just that Hagrid has been arrasted for trying to forcefully enter a closed establishment as well as for assaulting aurors on duty. You will have to give us a reasonable answer when you come to get him free till then he will be put in ministry prison."

listening this Dumbledore was so angry that his beard trembled. I could see him using Occlumency with full force to keep his face Expressionless.

" Now I want to take Harry with you. You are not going to stop me illegally here right? "

"Lets go outside and talk, its very suffocating in here. Dont you think so Harry? " following my lead Harry nodded Hesitatingly.

"Is there really any need for it, I will get him checked with madam Pomfrey." Dumbledore tried to avoid taking the matter in public but failed.

"How can you be so insensitive Dumbledore? cant you see he is having a panic attack and immediately needs some fresh air." without waiting for his reply I immediately took Harry's hand and moved out followed by everyone and at last Dumbledore too.

"Yes Dumbledore, now say what were you saying? "

"Madam Amberheart, I want to take my ward here, Mr. Potter, with me."

"You see Dumbledore there's a slight problem with that. Madam malkin seems to have noticed, while taking young Harry's measurements, that our hero, the vanquisher of Dark lord, The boy-who-lived, Mr. potter, might be suffering from LONG TERM MALNUTRITION AND ABUSE.

the Minister and we, the officials of British ministry of magic, as well as the whole population of magical Britain would surely be concerned for him."

"Madam undersecretary, I'm his magical guardian and he is my ward. I will surely take care if him. Now please let me go."

"You are right. You are his magical guardian and can indeed take him away-" just as Dumbledore was moving towards Harry, Ela continued in no nonsense tone.

"- so just show us the 'legal' proof that you are his magical guardian and you can take him away till then you are a suspect of kidnapping a pure-blood child and placing him in the custody of magic hating muggles, keeping him away from his legacy."

the crowd went wild listening till here. People were already looking at Dumbledore with suspicious eyes. Dumbledore was so angry that even his advanced level of Occlumency mastery was not able to contain his emotions in check. He took a step towards me and whispered darkly

" Ms. Amberheart, just because I am respecting your position does not mean I cant do anything"

"It has just started and you are already showing a different color-" chuckling Ela continued "Albus, you are going dark." (I have wanted to say this for so long)

" Dumbledore, we are going to let the wizengamot decide what to do from here. You will be informed about the date and time of Hagrid's trial" Minister Fudge finally spoke to Dumbledore.

We departed from there with Harry and first went to ministry and then me and Amelia took relevant ministry official to Dursleys. Taking evidence of blood wards and the cupboard under the stairs and, any and all signs of abuse and mistreatment as well as statement of all 3 Dursleys ( which they gave after some very serious threats) we returned to ministry carrying all of Harry's stuff( lilly's books and important belongings were inside it).

meanwhile inside gringotts, in the throne room of rognuk the goblin king

Dumbledore was seating together with Grindelwald and Rognuk.

"That bitch, I will kill her. I will destroy her family and torture every single one of then before throwing them to vampires to have their fun and kill them"

Just as Dumbledore was roaring and venting his anger an old looking goblin knocked on the door nervously. opening the door to let him come inside Rognuk said darkly " this better be important or I will have your head"

"my king... my king, Its terrible.. something terrible has happened"


" Yes yes.. Vault .. vault 713 has been robbed-" isn't it what I instructed you. why are you making a fuss about it.

" That.. many.. many other vaults have also been robbed" the old goblin knelt with fear while cursing others who forced him to deliver the news.


"many other vaults have also been robbed at the same time."

taking a deep breath to control his anger he asked in a dark tone. "who owns those vaults? "

" all the death eaters who have died or are in Azkaban, Black and Potter's and.... "

"dont waste my time. and who? "

"and lord Dumbledore and snape."

" what did you say? " " FUCK" roared Dumbledore and Grindelwald furiously and directly blasted the goblin to death.

Rognuk called for another goblin to come see him immediately without caring about the dead goblin.

"who is it? this is the worst day of my life" mumbled Dumbledore exasperated.

seeing another goblin entering Rognuk directly asked " do we know who is behind this mass break-in"

"In every vault except for vault 713, there is a similar piece of parchment."

"show it to me"

"yes sir, here it is"

"Kali? " Looking at the parchment Rognuk, Dumbledore and Grindelwald mumbled together.
