
v2 Chapter 513: No entry

I want to participate!" Fred said in a low voice over the table.

"How could this kind of thing happen to us!" George agreed.

Thinking of the possibility of obtaining such honor and wealth, the two of them were excited to shine.

Like them, the illusion of being a Hogwarts warrior is more than one. At the desk of each college, you can see someone or watching Dumbledore enthusiastically, or whispering with your neighbors excitedly.

But Dumbledore spoke again and quieted again in the auditorium.

undefined"I know that you are all eager to win Hogwarts' trophy for the top three," he said. "But the participating schools and the Ministry of Magic agree that an age limit should be set for this year's competitors. Only 17 years old. Years old, that is to say, students over the age of 17 are allowed to register for consideration. We feel that"

Dumbledore raised his voice slightly because some people listened to his words and then protested with anger.

"I hope you understand that this measure is necessary because the project of the hegemony is still very difficult and dangerous. No matter how many precautions we take, it is impossible for students under grades 6 and 7 to deal with it. I myself. It will ensure that no one of the age-deficient students will deceive our impartial referees and become the warriors of Hogwarts."

His eyes glanced over the rebellious faces of Fred and George, and the blue eyes shone with meaningful light.

Immediately, the gaze turned to Ai Wen, which seemed to become more profound.

Dumbledore continued, "So if you are under the age of 17, I ask you not to waste time applying."

"The delegations of Busbarton and Demstrom will arrive in October and spend most of the school year with us. I know that when our foreign guests stay here, you will behave. Warm and friendly, and once the Hogwarts Warriors are finally selected, you will support him or her wholeheartedly. Well, it is not too late, so it is very important that you will enter the classroom with a refreshing and clear-headed morning tomorrow. Go to bed! Hurry!"

Dumbledore sat down and turned to talk to the crazy eyed Hamody.

In the restaurant, the ping-pong ping pong, the students stood up and flocked to the two opposite doors and entered the foyer.

"They can't do this!" George didn't rush to the door, but stood there screaming at Dumbledore. "We are seventeen years old next April. Why don't you let us try?"

"They can't stop me from participating." Fred said, screaming at the main guest table. "When you are a warrior, you can do a lot of things that you usually don't want to do, and there is a thousand plus. Long bonus"

"Yeah!" said Ron, his face showing a sly look. "Yeah, a thousand gallons?"

"This is the most unfair to Ai Wen. He is the strongest little wizard in the school. Ivan has proved this." Hermione frowned and said, "But now, because of his age, he is not allowed. Participate in

"If Ivan can't be a warrior, I don't see who is in the school." Harry nodded.

"This is really ridiculous!"

"Yes, we have to talk to Dumbledore and let him change the charter," Fred said.

"Okay, let's go." Ai Wen said, "If you don't leave, there are a few of us left here."

In fact, he is not worried at all.

No one can stop him from becoming a warrior if he can put his name in the Goblet of Fire.

Dumbledore blocked the magic of voting by a seven-year-old wizard. There are several ways in which Evan can crack.

"Avon, why are you not angry at all?!" George said. "Their restrictions on age are complete."

"Please come over, Mr. Mason, the principal has something to say to you." Professor McGonagall said seriously, went to a few people and looked at them dissatisfiedly. "You five havetened to go back to the common room, don't This is blocked at the door."

Under the supervision of Professor McGonagall, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, and George looked at Evan and walked toward the entrance hall.

Ai Wen went back to the teacher's seat alone, where there is only Dumbledore and Mad-Eye Moody.

"I have my own opinion about that," Moody suddenly stopped, and the magical blue fake eyes fell on Ai Wen, and said with a hoarse voice, "Ah, the second time. I met, Ivan Mason, I didn't expect you to make such a big scene on the Quidditch World Cup. I was really surprised."

He came over and shook hands with Ai Wen, the hand was as scarred as his face, all scars.

From a close look, the mad eye Han Modi looks even more terrible.

Ivan had seen him in the Ministry of Magic before, except for the two of them, only Sirius and Mr. Weasley were present.

In front of this fake Moody, this one knows that in order to disguise him, he has done a lot of work.

"It's nice to meet you, professor!" Ai Wen whispered. "I didn't expect you to come to Hogwarts to teach."

"I didn't think about it before, but I only taught for one year and helped Dumbledore a favor." Mooney said, dumb and laughing, "Yes, only teach for a year, and then renew my peaceful retirement." "

This is the first time Ivan has seen him smile. He smiles, and the scarred face is more distorted and weird.

"There are always shortages of the Defence Against the Dark Arts class. It is not easy to find the right person." Dumbledore said softly. "If you can, I hope that you can stay. Your valuable experience is exactly what we need." ""

"I will consider it!" Moody said, waving a rough hand.

"Well, Ivan, I am sorry to bother you for the rest time, but I have something to tell you." Dumbledore said calmly, turning his eyes to Ai Wen, "about the three strong competitions"

"Professor, I hope to be able to participate!" Ai Wen hurriedly said, "And I have confidence."

"Of course I know that you can definitely break through the age-limiting magic that I have set up. There is no doubt about this." Dumbledore said seriously. "But Booth Barton and Demstrom specially proposed that they ask us to ban you from participating. The three strong competitions, the reason is that your age does not meet the requirements. Of course, look at what they mean, it seems that they are worried that your magic is too strong, no one will be your opponent."

Ai Wen's previous performance at the Quidditch World Cup was too eye-catching.

That huge magic and powerful magical power, don't say a little wizard, even an adult wizard can't have it.

In this case, they made a request to restrict Ai Wen from participating in the competition is not a strange thing.

"Hey, the idea of ​​the weak!" Moody said disdainfully, "Those guys are afraid."

"This is the case, but they use this request as one of the conditions for resuming the hegemony of the top three." Dumbledore said, watching Evan, "So I am sorry, Ivan, I must ask you to assure me that I will not participate." Competition." (To be continued.)
