
Episode 16.4 A Very Nice Morning

Rong Suyin woke up early the following day feeling refreshed— much to his surprise.


He was expecting to wake up on the wrong side of the bed considering how physically, mentally, and emotionally draining his day was yesterday, but just like magic, all his fatigue vanished with just a night of sleep.


"Is it because I finally got to sucker punch that son of a gun after many years of animosity?" He voiced out as he carefully threaded the grand staircase of his son's house. Since it was only approaching six in the morning, he decided to whip up some breakfast for everyone.


He decided to share Shen Yuan's usual chore out of goodwill, thinking that his dear son-in-law was spent after the confrontation with his father and the revelation about the disappearance of Shanyuan.


'Poor little Yuan must be under pressure to remember his forgotten memories after what he learned yesterday.'

