

If only he had more time.

Dying a worthless death on some barren road in the countryside was never an activity that graced his summer bucket list. Yet here he lay with only a pool of blood to accompany him to his untimely end. He wished he had had more time. More time to laugh with his family and friends. More time to spend with his girlfriend. More time to live.

Slowly, his eyes began to close and he realised his time was done but he wish he had more.


In a dark alleyway, wedged discreetly between dilapidated buildings, a blonde-haired boy slumped against the wall. Adorning his face were bruises and cuts with dried blood smeared across his pale-ish face.

In a sudden act, the young boy, of about 14, arose from his previous position and stood in a shaken state with eyes widespread, showcasing his purple

eyes. He frantically observed his surroundings, shock still ever so present.

Didn't he die?

Didn't a truck hit him on one of his daily countryside walks?

Instinctively, he felt the urge to look at himself in the pond that stood before him. A quick glance into it told him all he needed to know. This wasn't his body.

Interrupting his inspection of his 'new' appearance, was the animalistic growl that came from behind him. He turned and was met with an odd looking creature that looked slimy. But he knew what this was. A cursed spirit. From that one anime. Jujutsu Kaisen.

It jumped at him with a wide mouth open, displaying three rows of teeth. In response, fear took over him, immobilising 'his' body and he stood in his place stationary. Time slowed. He was going to experience death. Again. Guess that rumour that time does slow when your about to die is true after all. He closed his eyes, bracing for a gruesome death. Then time stopped. And the cursed spirit froze mid-flight inches away from his face. Seconds passed, then minutes and the teen wondered why he hasn't felt the bite of the grimy creature. Peeking through an eye, he found the curse frozen in mid air, in front of his face.

This was his chance. He didn't know why it had frozen or when it froze but he needed to exorcise now when he had the opportunity. In a panicked frenzy, he looked for a sharp weapon, anything that he could pierce with, and found a long glass shard by the little pond but not before noticing the stillness of the water. He picked up the shard, grabbing it with both hands and drove the glass into the curse's head.

Blood splattered everywhere, guaranteeing his safety and he sighed in relief, whilst sitting back down against the wall to evaluate the weird events that just conspired.

A cursed spirit plus a new body led to one answer. He had been transmigrated into Jujutsu Kaisen. He threw his head back and a devious smile was plastered across his face. He had more time. He looked to the side once more into the pond to get one last gaze at his newfound appearance but couldn't help but be distracted by the ripples in the pond that contrasted the earlier stillness.

