
Killing The Leviathan

"Dammit! Stop her now! Block her attack! KILL HER!" Haerun roared out in a panic as he jumped up, trying his best to interrupt the arrow but he was too far away to stop what was inevitable.

His eyes were bloodshot as he could feel his heart leaping out of his throat. He could see his goal slipping further and further away as Ria had clearly planned this from the beginning!

How she continued to attack the beast and contributed as much as she could before this final blow! 

Even though the final blow was not decisive to who gets the Sigil, there was now a very high risk that she could overtake him in contribution and doing so meant everything he had planned had gone to waste! This opportunity, the tools and the manpower! Everything! Gone to waste!

"Stop!!!" He shouted, practically begging as failing this hunt meant his next hunt would be much harder.
