

Once Alice calmed down, Allura did another checkup of her body. Alice felt a strange power coursing through her body as that happened.

After a while, Allura retracted her hand and sighed deeply.

"So far, I don't see anything wrong with you. Same as usual, with only the powers of the Abyss. No sign of Abyss Blood side effects or the powers from a ritual. Cayla wasn't kidding when she said your body is strange." Allura scratched her head.

"Let me give you another lesson. Rituals are done in a manner where you are directly blessed by one of the three Gods. The Moon Goddess, the Eclipse God or the Sun God. Their power is a tier above what you get from Sigils. So if there is ever a conflict, the power of the ritual will always win. Which is why I assume that girl Verona was converted into a beast and had her Sigils suppressed.
