
Chapter 53: The World Eater's Arrival.

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(General P.O.V)

The sky above Asgard was turned into swiss cheese.

The golden magical boundary around the realm now had holes in it, causing glowing dust to float out into the space around.

Odin's and the Silver Surfer's battle had reached a climax and then...evened out.

Both combatants fought at their fullest power and the effects were starting to show.

In the main residential sector of the city, crowds of Asgardians had formed, all of them in a mad rush towards the city limits.

The order for evacuation had come straight from the palace.

Progress was quick due to the two Avengers overseeing the evacuation efforts.

"Come on everyone. There's nothing left for you here except death. Follow the guy with the golden bow."

Black Widow spoke through a megaphone, controlling an Asgardian aircraft above the throngs of people.

Said Golden bow guy, Hawkeye, rode on the back of a chariot pulled by Thor's goats, Toothgrinder and Toothgnasher.

A majestic golden Uru bow was held in his hands.

His job was leading the evacuation through the fastest route out of the city.

(A distance away)

(city outskirts next to the Rainbow bridge)

Iron Man, Captain America and Falcon were facing off against Doctor Doom.

And they were losing badly.

Doom unleashed an emerald blast from his palms, knocking away Cap's shield.

Iron Man grabbed the shield off the air and threw it back at the Latverian king at twice the speed.

The shield smacked onto the back of Doom's head, causing him to stumble forward, while the shield bounced away, right into Cap's waiting arms.

The Super Soldier strapped the Vibranium metal alloy on his back.

Then he wrapped his hands around Doom's midsection, lifted him up and gave him a suplex.

Doom's back slammed onto the hard ground heavily.


He yelled, unleashing streaks of green lightning from all his over body.

Cap rolled away, detaching from Doom to escape the short range of the attack.

The latter got to his feet, anger burning in his eyes.

The sand on the shore they were on, vibrated as a green energy covered the beach.

"And now! My Wrath!"

A long beam of lightning shot out of his hands, landing smack dab on the middle of Cap's shield.

The blast carried the Super-Soldier up, throwing him back.

"I have you now Doom!"

Falcon yelled, swooping in from the sky.

"No. You do not."

Doom replied, pivoting to the side before grabbing falcon by his leg and slamming him onto the ground.

Falcon coughed out in pain, too stunned to move out of the way of a follow up attack.

Iron Man dropped between the two men, crossing the hands of his Uru armor together in a bid to block the magical blast from Doom.

"Can't let you kill the new recruit, Viktor."

Tony said from inside the armor.

"Stark, how noble. It's a good thing Doom was expecting you to intervene!"

Doom shouted, unleashing a thicker magical bolt on Iron Man.

The attack landed, Iron Man choosing not to dodge due to his confidence in the Armor's defensive aspect.

Immediately, the weight of the armor around Tony increased, leading to him taking a knee.

"What did you do?"

Tony demanded, trying and failing to get up.

"Easy. Uru is a magical absorbent. Pouring in my magical energy leads to the armor getting heavier."

Doom explained.

"And now this farce is over, Stark. Stand down or I will kill-"

Cap's shield landed on the back of Doom's head for the second time, throwing him forward.

Slowly, the leader of Latveria turned around to face the man out of time.

"Captain, while I admire your tenacity, you're worse than an irritating itch."

Cap snatched the shield out of the air as it rebounded, tightening the straps on his wrist.

"An irritating itch? Can't say I've heard that one before."

Before the fight could resume, a shadow fell upon Asgard.

Captain America fell out of his combat stance, his back stiffening as he looked up, then up...

"Oh my god."

The Super Soldier exclaimed, with a gob-smacked expression.

Odin pulled upon his full power, then unleashed an area of effect energy burst, one that successfully pushed back the Silver Surfer.

The latter was breathing heavily, the silver glow around his body dim amidst the golden backdrop of the sky.

He couldn't keep dodging forever.

While the Surfer was fast, Odin had the Odin-force on his side, giving him a very noticeable edge.

"Ready to give in?"

Odin questioned, twirling Gungnir.

"It won't do you any good though, you signed your own death by attacking my home."

The Silver Surfer said nothing for a while.

Then a small smile appeared at the corner of his lips.

"My mission was not to defeat you."

A shadow appeared above Asgard.

Right on time.

"The strategy was to keep you busy."

The Surfer added, backing away from Odin to attend to his master.

On the ground below the two, Thor, the Warriors Four and the Asgardian army were in shock.

"Is that..."

Fandral begun, his left hand around the handle of his sword.

"Yes. There is no mistaking it. He's here."

Volstagg responded, hoisting his war hammer across his shoulder.


Sif lowered the sides of her helmet, an air of determination surrounding her.

"Doesn't matter. Like all enemies of Asgard, even he shall fall."

Thor said nothing, eyes narrowed at the new arrival.

'Father...can you really survive this?'

Odin on his part had a blank expression on his face, no one knew what was going on in his mind.

The white knuckled grip around Gungnir was the only indication that the All-father considered the situation dire.

He wasn't wrong either. Galactus had finally arrived on Asgard. Nothing good could come of it.

The All father gazed up at the colossal entity, it's titanic form big enough to blot out the sun.

Odin's regal armor seemed dim in the presence of the world devourer, who radiated an aura of cosmic power that dwarfed even the gods.

Galactus's immense frame was a nightmarish amalgamation of alien technology and cosmic energy.

His skin was an obsidian hue, etched with pulsating veins of radiant purple.

His eyes, glowing like two malevolent stars, pierced the very soul of any who dared to meet his gaze.

His colossal helmet crowned his head, bearing a ghastly resemblance to a skull, a stark reminder of his insatiable hunger.

The Asgardians, in awe and terror, had stopped moving forward.

"What's going on?"

Black Widow voiced out from the craft she was piloting.

"Nat, have you looked at the sky of late?"

Hawkeye asked, pulling the reins on Toothgrinder and Toothgnasher to halt their advance.

"Holy crap... he's huge."

The former red room assassin said, the Asgardian ship pulling up next to Thor's chariot.

"What now?"

The resident Archer asked through the comms in their ears.

"I would feel good about our chances if we had the Hulk. Maybe even the Shazam kid."

"We still need to evacuate. Quickly, before things get dicey."

Black Widow decided.

"Resume the charge, I'll cover the back and prevent any stragglers from falling behind."

The Asgardian Ship turned back under her control, flying over the crowds of people evacuating.


Black Widow called out, her voice broadcasting throughout the area.

"Throw away anything slowing you down. From here on, we'll making a straight dash for the Bifrost."

'So, it has come to this?'

Odin thought to himself, his lone eye closed in contemplation.

Before him was a being of unmatched power. Behind him were the lives of his people.

There was no conundrum. There was no hesitation. There was only duty. His duty as the All-father, God king of Asgard.

His one good eye opened. Ablaze with defiance, the All-father raised his enchanted spear, Gungnir, high.

"Galan of Taa!" Odin's voice echoed across the trembling realm.

Galactus looked down, his eyes managing to spot Odin. The weight on the All-father's shoulders compounded.

Odin grit his teeth, staring up at Galactus with the regal bearing of a king.

"You shall not feast upon Asgard today! I stand to defend my people, my home. No cost is too great for me. Not even my life or yours, World Eater!"

Galactus' eyes blinked. Slowly, his lips parted and a voice that was louder than a jet engine escaped the cosmic


And that single word managed to spell doom for everyone involved. Galactus' collosal hand reached out towards the realm, parting clouds and destroying the boundary around Asgard.

"Damn it all."

Odin cursed out, twirling his weapon in preparation.

The weapon glowed golden, the God-king pointing it forward and unleashing a massive beam of his Odin-force.

The attack left a trail of gold as it sped forward in high speeds, slamming right in the middle of Galactus enormous palm.

The Odin-force was forcefully dispelled and snuffed out, the collosal hand continuing forward in its path to destruction.

Odin's divine presence disappeared in the midst of the cosmic energy being radiated by Galactus.

"Oh no..."

Thor muttered, his horror shared amongst the others.

Galactus palm was falling straight for the rainbow bridge.

Without a single word, Iron Man rose to the sky, all the weapons outfitted in the Mark Uru, activating.

"Let's see how much damage the Destroyer beams can create when paired up with an Arc Reactor."

Iron Man said, commencing his attack.

A surge of power pulsed from the Arc Reactor on his chest. And then...he released the attack.

A straight beam of white energy but a path towards Galactus' hand.

The resulting explosion was too bright for anyone to look at with their naked eyes. Iron Man was thrown onto the ground thousands of feet away, the Uru armor being the only thing keeping him alive.

On the ground,

Steve raised his shield to block the pressure wave from the collision, when a frantic voice reached his ears.

"Cap! Duck!"

Falcon warned, flying in and tackling Captain America out of the way of Galactus' ring finger.

There was a massive crash as the hand finally landed, shattering the rainbow bridge and the bifrost in one fell swoop.

A green shield appeared around the two Avengers, Cap and Falcon, protecting them from the heavy winds about to slam into them.

Doom stood with his back to the two, the creator of the green barrier, hands stretched out to the front.

"Doom? Why are you helping us?"

Captain America questioned as devastation was wrought around them.

The realm of Asgard quaked as if the very foundations of existence were being torn asunder.

"You ask too many questions. I told you, Doom has no Master. I do what I want."

Doom replied, just as the dust and sand settled.

"This is bad."

Falcon muttered to himself.

"Yes. It is."

Cap found himself agreeing. Their only way home, their one ticket had been destroyed.

The rainbow bridge floated as mere shards.

The Bifrost was gone.

There was no way out of Asgard now.

To top it all, they were stuck inside a world that Galactus wanted to make a meal of.
