
A chaotic mess

"You will no longer work in this hotel and I don't want to see you anywhere close around here, not even your shadows should trespass." his tone was cold and chilling, sending shivers down the spine of the man and also the people who stopped to watch the scenes that were unfolding.

Before they knew it a crowd had gathered, drawn by the commotion and the whispers of a scandal. Onlookers whispered among themselves, their curiosity piqued by the unfolding drama.

"Why is Michael being so violent? The cleaner looks innocent," one of the onlookers said, pity evident in their voice.

"Looks can be deceiving, my friend. Perhaps the cleaner did something to deserve this treatment," another replied, their tone filled with skepticism.

The murmurs and indecisive judgments continued to circulate among the onlookers, their eyes fixed on the scene unfolding before them.
