
To Which Victor Goes The Spoils?

-Volume Two-


A young man who looked to be in his mid to late twenties, with Almond brown hair was dressed in simple black robes while kneeling on the smooth stone-plated floors of an open-walled hall of a small Pagoda. Even though his eyes were closed, heavy eyebags of insomnia and fatigue were clear underneath.

In front of him were all sorts of banners and memorabilia as well as lighted candles and incense, all of which matched the young man's somber appearance.

Characters were written in bold calligraphy all over the banners and anyone with enough knowledge to read them would have been able to pick out the single-worded meanings alternating between 'Father' and 'Leader' in alternating synonyms.

With his lips pursed and pressed tightly together, the young man's straight back was stiff, and the only notable movements he made were his fingers tapping silently against his thighs.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*
