
Kill On Sight

Evian followed the shrills of departing souls and soon got close enough to the action to hear the clashing of weapons.

Diverted from a direct path towards the Stygian Estate, dead Knights in the Stygian Uniform littered the ground while stoic and focused-looking Knights in Larnak uniforms stood victorious in a U-shape around one of their comrades dressed in the Superior uniform of a Captain as he made the very last kill.


With a decisive parry, The Larnak Captain knocked his opponent's weapon aside and forced him to his knees.

"You-- Scum!" said the Stygian Knight who had been neutralized by superior martial excellence. He had a look of defiance even though every last one of his brethren had met their end.

The Larnak Knight Captain chuckled harshly at the mockery without an interest in thinking of a comeback.

