
Now THAT’S Dedication {R-18}

Daria stared at him.

It was now she understood why Evian had asked her if cultivation was boring,

'He's just been jumping levels!'

Evian eyed her, his lips twitching at the look Daria was giving him.

"You know it's not as easy as it seems."

"How so?" Daria asked immediately, barely letting him end his sentence.

"Well, first I have to kill... Which can be dangerous. There's a lot of hunting involved..." Evian started but Daria interrupted him.

"Don't give me that. I've seen your handiwork... I've seen how easily you cut through enemies."

"I make it look easy," Evian said with a cocky smile. His hand rising to grab Daria's waist and work his touch upward.

The Witch rolled her eyes. Not at his touch but at his words.

"Yeah, right. That Phasing of yours must make things so difficult," She said sarcastically, 

"I saw you, out the corner of my eyes, charging through them like it was nothing."

Evian chuckled. 
