
{Biz Development}

In the corner of a large building near the center of the village, the loud pounding of metal could be heard. 

Inside two men in their 30s were standing in front of an anvil as they pounded a thick metal plate into shape. While they did this a young red-haired teen sat on a table on a corner pounding long thin nails at an axe. 

As they worked a bald man knocked on the opened door. 


The red-haired teen looked up from his axe that had a nearly completed engraving of a one-hand man wielding a sword. 

"Oh hey Neil, I'm here to see if my order is finished yet."

Neil nodded and grabbed a shield that had a wolf drawn in blue.

"I carved into the shield and filled it with colored resin. I would simply have to refill it if it gets melted by dragon fire." 

The man ran his hand through it and smiled," Sounds great Neil, you found a good solution to your problem haha." 

Neil nodded and scratched his head, "Yeah I didn't think my first idea through. While burning drawings into shields looks cool it gets erased by dragon fire."

"Well that might be the case for shields but those scorched log plates you sell are amazing. I see them hanging in houses all over the village. Well here's what I owe you 3 small silver and 2 large copper coins."

"The red-haired kid took the money right away and smiled, "Thanks Lart, let me know if you need anything else." 

"You bet, good luck with your business."

Neil watched as the man walked away proudly displaying his shield. For Vikings, their weapons are their life which caused his new business to quickly become a hit. 

4 years had passed since he had started using art as a way to make money. After a lot of work, he had been able to gather 24 small gold, 7 small silver, and 6 large copper coins. In total it was 2,482 Rei it was far from being enough boat but it wasn't bad. 


{Author Note:}


- - - - - - -

1 small copper = 1 Rei

1 big copper = 2 Rei

1 small silver= 10 Rei

1 large silver =20 Rei

1 small gold = 100 Rei

1 large gold = 200 Rei

- - - - - - -

{End Author Note:}


As the son came down the 2 smiths stopped working and walked up to Neil. 

"Here kid, it's this week's pay of 3 silvers like we agreed. I have to say these past few weeks have been great. Now that we don't have to stop working to take care of customers we can finish our work faster and with better quality. "

"Yeah and since what you charge is so little it's definitely worth it."

Neil laughed as he put the hammer and nail like tools away. "Well, when you put it like that maybe I should charge more." 

The two men looked at him in surprise, "Calm down I'm only kidding. You guys let me use the tools needed for me to engrave, burn, and much more. We are simply helping each other out." 

"You little brat don't scare us like that haha. I swear sometimes I think that you were sent by Loki himself."

The other smith nodded in agreement, "Yeah now that we have gotten closer sometimes you go a little overboard. Like the time that you splattered good booze on the anvil, that nearly killed me."

The three of them laughed and then the older smith, Buer, became a little serious. "Listen, Neil, we would like to ask you something. Do you think that you could engrave something related to the gods on the weapons that we have there? We hope to sell them or trade for something good when the merchant arrives next week,"

Neil smiled and looked at the neatly organized piles of weapons in the corner of the shop. 

"I could but it won't be for free, however, since there are many I could give you a little discount on them. Count how many weapons you want engraved and how big you want the engravement to be and we can talk about price later."

Both smith nodded, "Well then have a good night Neil. Make sure that you bring us something to eat after the hunting competition tomorrow."

Neil gave them a thumbs up and began walking back home.
