

Two weeks later, the new weighted items were transported from the jewelry subsidiaries to the Tsukiyama estate. A white truck drove in past the gates and circled a water fountain before coming to a stop in front of the main mansion.

"Thank you very much for your services." Mairo said to the driver as he collected the last boxed items who in turn nodded slightly and drove off.

'I needed the help of other servants on duty to move this to Shuu's new training room. These things he asks for just keep getting heavier and heavier'. Mairo complained internally as he dropped the last box in a small building.

The sun was out and without any clouds in the sky to reduce its intensity to those below it. Mairo had worked up a sweat when helping to move Shuus items to a small building recently made for Shuu. The interior looked like an open warehouse and had only one giant steel garage door that had the width of sedan cars.

Matsumae walked into the open building with her gym outfit on. Apparently, she wanted to surprise Shuu and join him in his training. She put on a floral deodorant and recently stopped cutting her hair short with the intention of letting it grow.

"Mairo-san, have you seen Shuu-sama?" Matsumae asked as she looked around and tried to scan the area with her senses. The interior looked like a hall with boxes in a corner.

"Matsumae-san, do you intend to help the young master? Anyway, I haven't seen him since he left his room this morning. I thought you were assigned to him today?" Mairo asked while he was in awe of Matsumae's dedication to serving their young master.

'Does she want to get even stronger than before? I better not slack off or even Aliza and Yuuma might leave me in the dust.' Mairo thought shaking his head in pure admiration and determination.

"No, I wasn't assigned to Shuu-sama today. I'll ask Kanae then. Keep up the good work." Matsumae said and turned to leave.

'She is even encouraging me at this moment not to give up, Matsumae-san just wait! And I'll catch up! No, I'll even surpass you! Mairo thought feeling pumped.

Tsukiyama Shuu on the other hand disembarked off a private jet in an aerodome in Germany. A chauffeur ushered him to an obsidian black Mercedes car parked a few meters in front of the jet. The chauffeur in question was Yuuma.

"I am surprised that you are still alive here and not in someone's experiment lab by now." Shuu commented as he entered the vehicle.

Shuu was trying to hide his giddiness about flying in a private jet and experiencing the comforts and luxury it provided. This was something he only saw in videos back in his home world. He was so excited that he told the pilot to relax and not rush the flight. He wasn't a picture person, but he took a lot of pictures indeed.

'Ah, only if I can send these pictures to my laptop back at home. My friend's wouldn't believe if showed them, especially the fact that I am Tsukiyama Shuu.' Shuu thought with a smile on his face.

"I see you enjoyed your flight sir." Yuuma commented while he closed the back seat door of the benz.

"Indubitably!" Shuu remarked.

"Well, while I was here in Germany I looked for different underground information brokers around. It was really dangerous for a ghoul like me that can't even protect himself properly. Forgive me for saying this but this was very careless of you Shuu-sama. Had things gone a little differently, I might not be talking to you here today." Yuuma said as he gripped the steering wheel tightly remembering the past few weeks of near-death experiences.

Shuu stopped smiling and listened to his retainer continue.

"I even had to remove the extra weights that I had on me, It was only because of that, I escaped two A-ranked ghouls sent to retrieve me after paying such an exorbitant amount of money for some information. You know it's not difficult to find someone like me in this country. I am a foreigner and now they know I am a ghoul." Yuuma complained bitterly as he stared intensely at the road in front of him.

"I managed to get in touch with that doctor with a façade as a biochemistry major, but after trying to get more info from the underground organizations they kept sending people after me. I never had a moment's peace. They own the place so all I could was run. You don't know how relieved I was when you called saying you would arrive tomorrow. I almost regret taking that paper from your hand and booking a flight to Germany to wait for further instructions." Yuuma said but this time with more intensity and a little growl in his voice.

Shuu looked forward with a straight face and sighed quietly.

"Step outside now." Shuu said as he opened his door to exit the vehicle.

Yuuma complied. Maybe they'd eventually go back home now. Shuu walked up to his retainer and reached for a handkerchief in his pocket. He didn't have a glove so a hanky would for now.

With the handkerchief in his hand, he let his arm cut the air in a swift horizontal swipe across Yuuma's face. Yuuma couldn't even read the trajectory or understand the speed of the slap Shuu gave him as he was sent flying for tens of meters till he hit a pillar.

Yuuma struggled to stand up and he wiped the blood dripping from his mouth. He was shocked that he was getting such treatment but soon labeled it as actions from a rich spoiled brat.

Shuu appeared before Yuuma in an instant and helped him up.

"Be angry at your own weakness, for I am. I am indeed sorry for what you've been through, it was in fact a careless move of mine. I am glad, very glad you survived. You will soon come to understand why I am doing all of this." Shuu said as he put a hand on Yuuma's shoulder with a solemn look. Shuu then made for the parked Mercedes.

"Oh, and never speak to me like that again. I won't kill since you are part of the family, but you'll wish I did. In fact, I will punish this insolence later." Shuu stopped in his tracks as if forgetting something then continued his walk.

"Forgive this insolence Shuu-sama, allow me to ask this. Why didn't you send Mairo or Kanae or even hire someone capable and dispensable? Surely there were better options than me." Yuuma asked with a slight bow.

"Hmm, you are talking like as if you or I aren't dispensable with our level of strength. I couldn't send Kanae since she is wanted by the CCG, I also couldn't send Mairo because we need our strongest forces protecting the mansion and keeping the balance in our 20th ward." Shuu answered without looking back.

Yuuma bowed once again then entered the driver's seat and drove off the air dome. Luckily only, the pilot was around to witness the entire event and he was an employee of the Tsukiyama family.

'I didn't know the young master thought this far ahead. Is that why he introduced us to weighted training devices? I can't compare myself currently to me in the previous month. I had already gotten used to walking and running with the 200kg weights. Although I shamefully removed them when I was being chased by stronger ghouls that made me two times faster than my pursuers. Shuu-sama wouldn't be happy hearing this.' Yuuma thought as he made a U-turn.

"Sir, I removed my weighted bracelets to escape the ghouls pursuing me." Yuuma proclaimed.


Shuu was feeling conflicted at the moment about what to do and how to handle the situation.

"Drive slowly into that alleyway." Shuu said as he gestured towards a dark alley big enough to let their vehicle pass through.

"Right away sir!"

As soon as they entered the alleyway Shuu moved to the front seat and removed two weighted anklets from his legs and passed them one at a time to Yuuma.

Yuuma in turn stepped on the brake pedal to slow the car as he extended both his arms to his young master and received the weighted anklets. He equipped them on his wrists, the anklets could also serve as bracelets since the design was made to fit any wrist or anklet size with the designer's reason. The bracelets were of course a fashion statement and expensive to make. They were black but had a gold inscription of a dragon. It was made of black gold, gold, and other minerals to give it its required mass as requested.

"Now that you have these on. Did you retrieve the other weights?" Shuu asked as crouched, making his way to the backseat.

"…No sir." Yuuma responded with a gulp.

"Good. When we are done with our visit you had better find those people so we can also pay them a visit." Shuu remarked sternly. He knew the worth of those items, this was something he could only dream of back in his home world. Sure he could find weighted training materials, but could he customize them to his heart's content by just saying 'please'? The answer is no. But here he had the backing of the Tsukiyama family wealth and he could finally enjoy training even when not in the gym and create new routines as well. He had to get them back of course.

"I know where they are. They are a group of mercenary A-ranked ghouls that were employed by the underground organizations to capture and pry information out of me." Yuuma said as he made a stop in front of a gate with security details all around the place armed to the teeth.

"We have arrived at the GhulForschungsGesellschaft or Ghoul Research Association, short for GFG." Yuuma said as he paid a toll gate fee before driving in.

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