
White House Doomed

The security all over the White House had been strengthened like never before. One could find the members of the Secret Service at a distance of every few feet. There were also heavily armed military personnel stationed at different points. All of them were alert and ready for anything.

Not just the military, the government had also enlisted the help of some superheroes and mercenaries with superpowers. Everyone was stationed at different points and was now waiting.

"All this just for one man? I know he has done some nasty things in the past but he wouldn't really attack anyone in the White House, would he? This is supposed to be just a meeting. It feels more like a negotiation between two warring nations." Johnny Storm, aka the Human Torch complained.

Reed shook his head, "This is not about whether he will attack or not, this is just the manifestation of guilt and fear of our government. If you remember the news, someone had sent an assassin to take out Doom a few days ago.

Of course, the assassination failed spectacularly but everyone who has been opposed to Doom is now scared about what the retaliation might be and who it will be aimed at. And in this tense situation, Doom sends out a letter asking for a meeting, it's normal for the politicians to be on edge."

Ben Grimm, aka the Thing spoke in his gravelly voice, "Shouldn't we be trying to stop Doom? He is basically trying to take over the world with this new world government bullshit."

All those times the Fantastic Four had to fight Doom to stop his evil plans seemed to have been for nothing. They had foiled countless plans of world domination that Doom had prepared in the past, but when Doom actually went the legitimate political route, there was no stopping him. Instead, if they attacked Doom now, they would be the criminals.

Sue Storm patted Ben on his stony back, "This is just how politics works. He is the head of a state and has diplomatic immunity against most of his past crimes. And those crimes that he doesn't have immunity for will be chucked away with some political deals.

Now that he has taken the political route and is legitimately campaigning for a world government, the only way for us to fight against him is politically. But seeing how his supporters are increasing by the day, it looks like no one can stop Doom from becoming the leader of the world."

Approval for Doom had been increasing exponentially. The endorsement from Savant and campaigning on the internet which had been rapidly gaining new users every day helped a lot too. People were scared, they needed a strong and determined leader to be a symbol of power against outside forces. And Doom had emerged as the perfect candidate.

"I don't know what that kid Savant is thinking by supporting Doom. I thought he was a smart one but he goes and does something stupid like believing in a villain like Doom." Ben Grimm sighed.

"I'm sure he has his own considerations." Reed Richards replied shortly and then looked out of the window at the lawn of the White House.

A lone black armored car drove into the White House compound clearing all the checkpoints. Wherever the car passed, the agents and soldiers would tense up and clutch their weapons tightly. They were ready to lay down a suppressing line of fire at a moment's notice.

At a distance where the welcoming party of the US government was waiting, the armored car stopped. Two men in black suits, who looked more robotic than human got out of the car first. One of them stood by the other door while the other guy opened it. And out walked a man in a light green suit.

Unlike his image in most people's minds, covered in iron armor and green hood, the Doom in front of them was a handsome man with a great physique. He looked more like a model than a head of state. Doom looked around while fixing his suit a little and chuckled.

"I am impressed with the welcome you have prepared for Doom. Did you get all the agents and military personnel stationed in Washington to come here? That is quite the security you have. And you even have the supers around?" Doom spoke while smiling and looking at the security at the White House.

When Doom looked over, the soldiers were even tenser not to mention the super-powered mercenaries who had often heard or even seen Doom's exploits. Being looked at by Doom's cold eyes while he smiled was like being seen through by a predator, the instinctive reaction for anyone who wasn't trained would be to run while screaming.

"You are an important guest to our country and with all that has happened with you in recent times, we thought it necessary to beef up the security to ensure your safety. This all is just the proof of how seriously we are taking you and this meeting." One of the old men who was also the aide to the president replied with a genial smile.

It didn't matter what the true purpose was, what mattered was what you displayed on the outside. It was a common political move to portray something in a completely positive light to someone even when the other party is aware of your deception. Sometimes appearance matters a lot in politics.

"I didn't know I needed such a level of security and that your government placed such an importance on me. I am flattered. You have my regards." Doom played along with the old man and followed along after the welcome greeting formality was over.

Walking into the White House, Doom didn't speak much and let himself be guided on a simple tour of the place while only listening and nodding a few times. He would sometimes wait a few seconds to appreciate some art but other than that he just followed.

That was until he spotted the Fantastic Four. Doom smiled and spoke, "I didn't know that the famous Fantastic Four would be here too. You are really going above and beyond to ensure Doom's safety by enlisting such heroes as my security personnel."

Doom would never let a chance like this slide to insult Reed Richards. Although he found it a bit crass to use his superior position to take a dig at Reed, his current position was also something he had earned through his own hard work and superior intellect. So he wasn't ashamed to flaunt it.

"You!" Human Torch was ready to get his flame on and start a fight with Doom because of the insult but was stopped by Reed.

"You have changed a lot since the last time we met, Victor. It seems that you have shed your iron armor and cured yourself as well. Congratulations." Reed tried diffusing the situation before it escalated. The White House was no place for them to duke it out with Doom.

"Doom is always moving forward. Change and improvement are only natural for me. Getting stuck in a mindset and never growing is not in the style of Doom." Doom answered in a flat tone and gestured his guides to continue.

Following them, Doom finally reached the door to the Oval Office, the office of the so-called most powerful man on the planet, the president of the USA. At least that is how it was advertised to the world, but Doom knew that be it personal strength or political power, the man inside that room was not the strongest in either.

The president was just an ordinary man who represented the interests of a large number of political and business groups. The real 'political power' in the hands of the president was just being able to represent said groups and negotiate on behalf of them.

Entering through the door, Doom saw President Clinton sitting behind the desk and a black man standing behind the president in military uniform. Doom recognized the black man as Adam Brashear, the Blue Marvel and the person he had seen during the battle with Thanos.

He was a genuine threat to Doom. Although Doom had a great ego, it didn't mean he was not wary of the truly strong people. And Blue Marvel was one of those truly strong people that Doom was wary of on Earth.

"Welcome Mr. Victor von Doom. It is my pleasure to finally get to meet you. This meeting has been a long time coming." President Clinton got up and shook hands with Doom and they sat on the couch opposite each other. Adam Brashear still silently stood behind the president.

"The pleasure is mine. And yes, I have been looking forward to this meeting for some time as well. I am guessing that we will have other participants through virtual participation?" Doom asked.

Although the meeting was set in the White House, Doom had called for the meeting with everyone who was opposed to his world government. That meant the US and all its allies had to be present in this meeting.

"Yes, they will be present shortly." President Clinton gestured something to Adam who walked to a table with some kind of technological device and brought it over and pressed a button.

A bluish-white light was projected from the device which the separated into multiple screens. Each screen then displayed a live feed of different heads of state from the ally nations of the USA.


Sorry for the late upload. Won't ask for stones today but appreciate any I get. Thanks.
