
I Accept

"No! There must be another way for me to get better! I do not want to go back to Novus. My family and life are here, why would I go there?!" Elsa became furious after hearing Chris say that she needed to go back to Novus to live.

Chris told them first the third sacrifice, reversing the sequence of the goddess' demands while pondering if he would tell her the other two. He no longer cares what would he feel or what will happen to his life after his family is gone. As long as they are safe, then he will be happy.

"You were able to wake up the divine mages right? Maybe they know something that we haven't tried. I am sure they will be willing to help us!" Elsa continued with her rants.

"They already lost their holy magic. They transfer it back to me to be able to defeat the demon king. All they have now is their elemental magic," Nathan interjected.

"Perhaps Christopher could go through the portal so he could be with Elsa after some time," Andrius suggested. 
