
Chapter 46    

The people who were defeated by him had formed a special group to discuss the ways they had died and ranked themselves on how long they lasted through the pain.

Alex didn't know what to do with them when he found out about the existence of the group. While he stayed at the top, happily torturing people, Aman was busy climbing the rank ladder by using only two spells.

Alex had forced him to work out and play small games that helped in improving the reaction time for the whole two months.

The first month felt like pure torture as Alex got him to work out while bringing him food and healing his torn muscles. It was only after the first month that the benefits of the training were revealed to him as Alex had finally permitted him to use the explosion spell, Bombarda.

He was amazed when he blasted a person to pieces and jumped up in excitement due to the spell's sheer power while completely ignoring the pieces of flesh and bone that fell near and on him.

Five weeks passed as he kept on demolishing his opponents before they could even point their wands at him. His win streaks granted him a progressively stronger opponent every single time.

On the second week of April, the first thing he did was to find out who his opponent was and the moment he saw the name, he smiled.

A smile that made his best friend so proud and content with the training that he patted him on the back.

"You know what to do, Aman."

"Hehehe, you know me. But this time, as per your wish, I'll play with him a bit."

A few minutes later, at the Gryffindor table.

Ron was busy stuffing his mouth while Harry was going on and on about how they could send Norbert away that night. Someone had walked up behind Ron and smacked his head so hard that he spit everything that was in his mouth.

Hermione had her lips pursed when she saw all the soggy, chewed up bread and mashed potato fall on Neville's uniform. She was about to lash out, but stopped when she saw Ron jump up to his feet.

"Why in the ruddy hell did you smack me in the head, Bashi!?"

"Bakshi. It's Aman Bakshi, bitch." He said as he stood tall… although he did fall short when compared to Ron in the height aspect.

"How dare you!!" Ron seemed to have snapped as he had for some reason, been losing his temper a lot lately.

"Mister Weasley, I hope you settle your grievances through a duel. Mister Bakshi here, has been selected as your opponent this week." Said professor Snape in his dreary voice as he tucked his greasy hair behind his ear.

"But professor, didn't you see that he smacked my head and also called me a bitch?"

"I know what I did and didn't see, mister Weasley. And all I saw was you trying to punch him in the face. Ten points from Gryffindor for the show of aggressiveness."

Harry sat silently as he knew that if he spoke a single word, Snape would take off a million points from Gryffindor for a random reason like eating food beside a person who could potentially be a murderer.

The whole first year Gryffindor group sat in their places as they cursed their fate while Aman thanked Snape for saving his life and walked off to sit beside Alex.

Ron and Aman didn't wait for too long to get their fight started as they directly headed over to one of the two game boards and put in a knut each. Inside the temporary indestructible dome that covered the game board, Aman and Ron opened their eyes.

Aman simply waited for his opponent to make his move as he merely observed while also being on guard.

Ron took out his old wand and pointed at Aman, "Incendio!"

Not knowing the extent of destructive capability that the spell had, Aman was relaxed as he thought that he would sidestep the moment the flame got close enough.

Unfortunately for him, Ron gave him a painful surprise by making the jet of flames huge midway. It had become thrice the size of Aman in just a fraction fo a second.

Unable to dodge sideways and not knowing any defensive spell, Aman choose to do the only thing that had a chance of saving his life.

Jumping backwards as much as he could, he ran. Although the flames were faster, he had a split-second chance to cast the exploding charm before the never-ending jet of flames poured down upon him.

The spell missed its mark by a whole meter, but it still did some damage as it hit the wall behind and Ron was blown off due to the impact towards Alex and fell face first on the floor.

The jet of flames had stopped coming out of his opponent's wand but the damage had already been dealt as Aman cried and groaned as he rolled on the ground.

While the flames were slowly starting to show signs of being extinguished, Ron was back on his feet. Although he was limping, his ability to cast spells wasn't hindered.

Another jet of flames was more than enough for Ron to see the jerk who got him to lose his house points burn to death. Aman opened his eyes and looked around, only to see Alex standing behind him.

"What did you learn from this duel?"

"Well… to not listen to you and finish my enemies off the moment I see them."

"Good, I'll tell you the reason why I told you to do that later. From now onwards, do the thing you just told me and never underestimate your opponent, ever.

The one who strikes first has a higher chance of winning when both the duellists have a similar level of power."

"Understood… but uh, can you teach me a defensive spell?"

"Yes. But now is not the time for that."

While Aman was on the receiving end of lectures, Ron was busy celebrating his win with Harry before they headed off to their common room.
